Wednesday, October 11 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Los Cocos, Punilla, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today, I come to the world for the surface human beings who are suffering from genocide, annihilation and exile.

In this cycle, I come to pray and intercede with all the strength of My Heart for all those that, in these modernistic times, suffer the consequences from other human beings.

If in these times and this cycle, this kind of massacre is occurring, just like what the Animal Kingdom experiences daily, the debt of humanity and the nations that promote these kinds of actions will grow disproportionately and the debt will become unpayable. That is to say, nobody will be able to take charge of this situation.

If these events occur between siblings in these times, it means that humanity has gone backwards in space-time and has generated a state of spiritual involution never seen before.

The same thing is happening with the Animal Kingdom, which since ancient times, is the main worldwide object of massacres never seen before and done in the most unthinkable ways. That is the reason for which humanity pays the price of its acts with its own blood, increasing the action of Universal Justice on this suffering blue planet.

Moreover, this world continues in this Solar System because of an inexplicable Grace which could never be understood and which allows this race to survive itself.

The presence of certain outstanding souls in this humanity, in this time, allows a planetary vortex to be created which supports, alleviates and transmutes the planetary reality, to the point of dissolving irreversible spiritual and physical situations.

But when the day comes for Universal Justice, that vortex of Light, which is supported by various souls in the world, will be deactivated and humanity will become awake and aware of its gravest errors.

At that moment, we must pray, because those souls that are present in this period of the planet will carry out their great and last task for humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace