Special message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira to the visionary Sister Lucía

Dear children,

Just as My Heart never gets tired of coming to meet you, you must also be tireless in the search of consecration of life to My Immaculate Heart.

Time has come to consolidate the steps that are now built in your souls and, for this, I only ask you to remember day by day the simplicity of the heart.

My Presence has already shed inifinite Graces upon your little hearts. The healing that exists in My Kingdom has already been shed upon your souls, healing all that hindered you from coming closer to a divine reality. Now you must trust the greatness of these miracles that come to the world and, upon them, build a secure shelter in which you will receive My Son.

My dear ones, My Heart rejoices because the moment has come for the souls to confirm themselves on this sacred path. All the doors that lead to My Kingdom are open today and to all those in need of help to enter into this Kingdom, the necessary help will be granted.

Therefore, My beloveds, I contemplate with joy the moment of trail that many of My children are experiencing, because this moment is nothing more than an opportunity to mature and strenghten the spirit that the Lord hands to His small creatures.

In this time, I want to see a smile shine on the face of My children, so that in this way, they show the world that they have been given the Divine Joy of being beside the faithful Servant of God.

My beloveds, once again I tell you to come to My arms without delay and not to wait for the steps of others in order to surrender your lives. Be pioneers in the discovery of a love that nourishes and revives the spirits that are fallen and, through the example of life, give the world the testimony of My Presence.

The greatest miracle I have come to performe at the end of this time is the miracle of the conversion of the most lost sinners; it is the miracle of teaching the hearts that felt most closed to love, it is the miracle of healing and redeeming all the spirits who never believed they could return to My Kingdom.

My children, to be at My side is not a Grace granted to a few, it is a universal opportunity that the Lord hands to the world. Therefore, let all creatures of the Earth come to Me, those who feel worthy and those who feel unworthy to accompany Me, because for Me there is no predilection. Souls are all equal before God: creatures coming from a same Source, to which they must return, just as they are at this time.

I bless you and I receive you in My arms.

May the Divine Joy that radiates from My Heart be expressed in your lives.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace



What are you waiting for, My soul, to surrender yourself to My Gifts?

Allow the Perpetual Love that springs from My Heart to flood you until the point in which you feel an ardent devotion for My Being.

Walk by My side, confident that you are taking the steps towards God.  Forget all that oppresses your heart and elevate your consciousness towards My Inner Kingdom.

The one who seeks the Heavens is the soul that unites itself to the Source of Love.  If you have already espoused Me, then allow Your Faithful Spouse to shelter and guide you through the path of the purpose. During the night, remain within My arms and feel the complete security that you will always be well, despite the circumstances.

Seek Me always, feel observed, My soul, by the sweet Eyes of Your beloved and faithful Lord.  Accept that it is now time to begin a new cycle, a cycle that will be radiated by My Celestial Graces.

Come close to Me, no longer be afraid to tell Me how many times you have fallen by My side.  Look, carefully, Your Companion is extending His hand to lift you up.  Pour your tears of light upon My chest, feel the supreme heat of My Compassion and let the past be flooded with healing and forgiveness.

See the Great Star in the firmament of the night, it is showing you the brightness of My Divine Mercy.

O, My soul!  You have stopped being tempted by the world to become like a flower in My Eternal Garden.

For this, I will always thank you for having abandoned yourself to the loving passion of My Arms because you have already entered into the trust of My Heart. Spouse Soul, live the joy of the great encounter and go ahead so that you may be able to reach My Eternity.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for abandoning yourself in trust to My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I will not leave without first marking My Footstep of Light in your steps, because the one who dares to follow Me without understanding anything, without having divine knowledge of My Supreme Will, will not perish, but rather will continue to walk firmly at My side, because My Voice will echo in your hearts to show you the steps of Light, the steps that many must take towards Me. Because it will be necessary, My friends, that many be consecrated to reverse the evil that exists in the world.

Be consecrated to Me in service, in prayer, in daily life, in the dialogue among your brothers and sisters, and also in gestures of love and of peace.

For in this way, I will be able to be silently present, marking the new times and drawing all My friends very close to the threshold of peace, to the portal that leads to Paradise, to the life of a new consciousness that many in these times do not know, because your little lives are full of other things, and My Light cannot enter. But the one who wants to change their life must first surrender it to Me, and in this way, I will provide them with My healing, liberation, My peace and My Love.

In these so difficult times, just see the path of Light, allow things to falter around you, remain firm without looking back, just look forward, toward My merciful Heart; glimpse with your gaze through My Eyes of Light, and accept My inner embrace in this last hour.

I bless these statues you have brought Me, but the real symbol is to be found in the union of your essences with Me.

May this symbol of the statues be the faithful symbol that reflects My Light and My Peace in your homes and hearts.

If you open your door to My Mother, I will then enter and dine with you; I will speak to you of new things to nurture your spirits; thus, nothing will perturb you and no one should fear, because you will be with Me in the Temple of My Heart.

I thank you, My brothers and sisters, old companions of the path, for following in My Footsteps, and especially for praying for this humanity that is in need of a lot of help.

If you open the door to Me, Heaven will descend and you will then be able to identify My Rays and will come to meet with Me to be united in one Heart, in one unity that is God, your Father, Who is offended by this world.

Alleviate His Heart through your love for Me, because upon you I will pour out My supreme Grace, My eternal Love.

I bless all the elements that are here and those that are not here, because on this very special day, My apostles will wash their feet to erase the past and begin again in faith, renewed by the Holy Spirit and by the Light that comes from God.

After this washing, you will also receive My Body and My Blood as a symbol of the covenant with My Greater Consciousness.

Joyfully commune with My redeeming codes, accept the cross that I give you and follow Me, as I once told you, follow Me in faith.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


When you surrender all to Me I will give you the goods that are guarded in Heaven.

Now that you find yourself before the doors of donation and surrender, walk without delay for that which your heart must realize.  But you know that I Am there to help you to cross the bridges that are broken and to help you to climb the lofty mountains towards your spirit.

This time is the time of all for the whole.  Nothing compared with your possibility of serving Me will overcome your expectations because now the Lord is building in your dwelling the path of ascension.  

That nothing more important than your life may afflict your thought or feeling because in all this journey God will accompany you in the inner silence.  I want to be in your life the one that no one has been able to be because I will never disappoint you.  My Inner Love does not belong to this world, My Christic Love, that which comes from the universe, is like a resplendent star that sends you its rays of salvation in every hour of the day so that you may perceive that My Presence is in all places.

To the extent that the disciple takes steps towards the Plan of God, greater will be the efforts to live the inner transformation, but your indestructible fortress is found in My Heart.  My Heart is the great wall that sustains the battles of all of the fires.

May you now be able to look at Me in the eyes and tell Me: “Yes Lord, here I am in spite of my falls and doubts”.

My Heart rejoices in the souls that only confess to Me the truth because My Love is infinite and It heals any inner wound.

Stay in Me and you will recognize in truth who you are for God.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


On this day of Piety I invite you again to remember My Passion on the Cross. In these significant acts you will find the strength for the moments of confirmation and of challenges.

The steps that are being taken by some of My New disciples are changing the course of the planetary life and in this way the Grace of God is becoming able to reach the hearts most damaged by the arts of evil.

Now, at this time of Infinite Mercy My Heart reunites to My ones in order to indicate to them the next step to be taken through this pathway of the Christification of the heart. For this be attentive to My announcements. Guard in your hearts My words of light, those that will give you Eternal Life, and you will walk firmly in search of My Divine Christic Purpose.

Go in peace and in reverence glorify the God of Love because on this day of immense joy and consecration of the entire world humanity is receiving the Grace of redemption.

Under the Infinite Light of God be blessed now and always.

Thank you for receiving My Words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Sun of the Eternal Grace


As long as you are in this world, life will be an exercise of constant transcendence and redemption.

For this, do not detain your steps on those things that form part of your indomitable human condition.  Surrender to me, day by day, your little beings and drink from My Fountain of Mercy, which will free you from sin.

Let yourselves be brought to the Kingdom of Peace, and of absolute Love.  Do not lose sight of My pilgrim footsteps, because I am by your side to teach you the correct use of the Law of the Lord.  Affirm your life in the infinite purity of God, aspire each day to be less for yourselves and more for those who in truth need help.

The key for your constant purification is found in prayer and in faith; because through them you will strengthen the path of the living of your vows. I know with anticipation that you will fail Me, I know with anticipation that you will come to Me seeking internal strength, so that you may face your own inner battle.

I only say to you that bravery and love are needed to live in My Project, because to be blessed of spirit, you will know first the desert of you beings. But I will be in the desert to give to you drink from My Merciful Fountain of Pity.

Confess yourselves with Me, and only say to Me every day that you are with Me. Live in faith.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Message for the apparition of the Blessed Mother of Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay to the visionary Sister Lucía

Contemplate, in My eyes, the imperishable Light that never goes out, so that it may illuminate your paths that lead you to the Heart of God.

Contemplate in My Mantle the eternal protection, so that you may risk to take the steps and, without fear, experience the transformation.

Contemplate in My Heart the flame that will sustain you in devotion and in faith, and that will not allow you to lose heart before the ordeals of the enemy.

Contemplate in My hands the perpetual, tireless and impassive help that will always await you to lead you to the Light.

Contemplate in My feet, sanctified by the glorious walk I have taken to the Kingdom of God, the secure path through which your little feet will also walk.

Contemplate, in My crown of stars, the Light of the Holy Spirit, which will appear even in the dark of night and that will appear from behind the thickest clouds that approach your lives.

In My Rosary, contemplate the unshakable faith and the eternal persistence of My Heart that prays day and night for the souls of the world.

Contemplate, in the roses under My feet, the permanent offering generated by My perpetual prayer, an offering that is adored by God and that represents all humanity.

Today, My children, I clothe your bodies with My Mantle, I cover your heads with My crown of stars, in your hands I place My Rosary and, under your feet, I lay seven roses so that you may follow My example eternally, an example that I bring to your hearts week after week, month after month.

I want you to accept this true offering of My Heart so that you can have a pure heart, a simple and humble life, a journey full of faith and absolute trust in God; and through the rosary in your hands, never forget that each step must be taken for your neighbor.

Experience the transformation as an eternal service of help to humanity and to the whole planet, which needs hearts Christified by the Love of the Holy Spirit of God; hearts ready to cross the threshold of a new race, a new humanity, based on Love.

My Presence at this time comes to show you the path which you must follow, until the moment you will meet My Son, and from then on, you will follow Him, in His glorified example of union with the Father.

My children, luminous is the end of this path of stones; I only ask you to be persistent and to follow the instructions left by the Messengers of God, for in this way, the stones will be opportunities for growth and not reasons for atavism.

My beloved, seek in My Heart and in the contemplation of My Sacred Image, the strength and faith that nourishes your spirits; thus, I will always be able to guide you and to accompany you, side by side with your hearts, on the trajectory you must experience.

Like water that flows in the river of life, allow yourselves to conform to the Will of God expressed in the instructions you have received; this way, you will free your beings from being in unnecessary suffering at this time.

Never forget to pray. Pray, pray a lot to achieve peace in the whole world.

I love you and I thank you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My dears:

An important universal and celestial movement is happening today because  six consecutive months are completed in which My Sacerdotal Consciousness has descended from the Heaven of My Father to daily encounter with you, My little and beloved flock in redemption.

For this reason today I am mercifully present together with My first representative on the Earth and the ambassador of Peace: the Apostle Saint Peter. Today I want that, after these six months of infinite mercies each one of My companions meditate and reflect from the consciousness on the mature steps of surrender and faith that you have been able to take towards My Sacred Heart. I want that you meditate on your beloved interest for My daily Instructions. Within the six next months, during which you will once again see My Beloved Presence, this last cycle will be fulfilled.

After your inner study of consciousness I want that you comprehend and perceive what is it that has happened in each one of you and what were the true fruits that were born in your hearts. Today I do not call your attention but I call you to the awakening of spiritual maturity.

You know, My friends, that the world is going through a grave spiritual crisis; that each day that passes has repercussions in all of the beings and in the definitive decisions of life. It is a path to the great Universal Judgment that will come for all humanity. A judgment is Mercy and Grace because through the cause of pity and service for which you work, many will achieve Mercy.

In this way today I reveal to you My Heart in pain for the great sins of the world, those which grow more rapidly than the quantity of prayers that are offered.

After these six months of daily messages I am removing My children from the garden and I am bringing them to the firsts steps of maturity and of the true wisdom for your spirits.

On this day may your consciousness detain itself to meditate on this important Christic call to cross the portal with maturity towards My Sacred Heart.  God hopes that His children grow up in faith, in hope, so that you may awake reverence in your beings each time that you pray together with Me at three in the afternoon. 

It is the moment for you to achieve Mercy and to stop aspiring for it. It is the moment of advancing as a mature disciple. It is the moment to be awakened in life and in consciousness so that you may recognize the difference between My Coming and that of the one who will use My garment in order to convince My flocks.

We are in a time of spiritual battle because it is through mature spirits that will be defined the victory of the Kingdom of Heavens upon all the face of the Earth.

Now has arrived your inner moment. I hold you above all things because the New Christs will be born from few and many will lose themselves on the path because of their own ideas. You only must obey the Great Inner Light of the Lord.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for persisting and for living My instructions from the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior. 


Dear friends:

What for humanity would appear to be unknown to the eyes of all, at My Return you will be able to know, as I will come and will withdraw the veils that have covered the path of all of those who out of love seek Me.

But from henceforth I am revealing now over some creatures, through the Christic impulses, some of the mysteries of these veils that create a separation between the spirit and the soul of each being.

Today I come to tell you to not afflict yourselves when you conscientiously discover an atavism that still has not been transcended because, by means of the constant merciful prayer, you will lose, on the path, the weight of your own past that used to tie you to your previous life.

Dears, I come in mercy to liberate you and to relieve you from all that which grieves you and which does not allow you to take steps towards My Kingdom. Out of love I return to the world but first I come in Divine Spirit to divest from your consciousness the abysses that by mistake you have built in the past.

My Compassion will arrive to your lives as a balsam of Mercy and of Grace in order to renovate you through the presence of My Merciful Heart. For this do not fear for what in a short while you will encounter on your paths. My Spiritual Light impregnates you and it will conduct you towards the goal of living in the Eternity of the Lord who is in the Heavens.

Offer to God your sufferings and your joys, for those who carry a thousand of veiled layers before their eyes and that have not even appearing before them a ray of sun.

See what a bitter thirst I carry inside of My Being, that My inexhaustible Source waits to be poured upon the thirsty hearts and upon those who fall to My Right  and to My Left .

If you open your hearts, other hearts through My Grace will be able to awake in time.

Under the Love of the Father, be merciful and pious.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Celestial Mediator. 


Even though the path to go through may seem to be long and extensive, remember that you are walking for all of those who still do not take the steps towards Me.

Even though the time may seem to not change inside of you and the transformation is slow and painful, remember that you are being purified for those who live in grave faults.

Even though the tiredness, the sadness or the loneliness may seem to be greater than the desert of the Earth, remember that you are transforming and transcending yourself for those who really turned their backs to the love of God.

Even though all seems to not change and that you do not reach light, remember that you are crossing the dark night for all of those who do not live the life of the commandments.

Even though love still does not flourish in your being and you do not find humility, remember that you are consecrating yourself to a greater life for those who practice the false deceiving love that diverts souls through the pathway of illusion.

Even though dying to yourself may be a greater step than what your consciousness permits, remember that you are being sanctified for love to Me and for those who do not sanctify their essences for God, but that are led towards other things.

Even though you see life in ruins and the arid interior may dry the Water of Life and the devoted fire of your heart, remember that you are suffering silently for those who do not pray and who waste precious time in constant temptation.

Even though you still do not see My Light on the horizon, trust absolutely in Me because I Am at your side, guarding your little heart as a true treasure of purity and prayer.

Even though the world does not change, remember that I Am the Love of the Great Love, the Truth of the Great Infinite Truth, the Spirit of the Great Sanctified Spirit.

Seek Me! Call Me! Because I will listen to you. My arms are open to console you and to encourage you each day that you donate yourself a little more because in sacrifice you will find the key for you redemption.

Under the Imperishable Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, now and always. 


Those who take the steps towards Me will never get lost on the path because My Spirit will reveal all that you may need so that in Me you may be guided to paradise.

Dears, I guard in My Merciful Heart all of the things that afflict the hearts. For this by means of the union with Me and in prayer you will be able to wake up to the new that My Kingdom will bring to you at the right moment.

Go ahead and walk together by My Side because as Father of the souls I will guard each essence in the universe of My Sacred Heart. While you are in this world you will learn much and your feet will not get tired of walking through experiences and growths for the inner life of your souls.

Receive from Me the merit of being in My Celestial Grace and learn that it will be only through the love of the heart that all of the circumstances of life will be healed. Walk towards the encounter with this powerful love of God that will liberate you from your own selves and in this way you will see with clarity the Holy Spirit.

Guard all the simple words in the heart because My Instruction is unique for these critical times.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior. 


Those who open their arms to Me will always receive Me in their dwelling.

I Am here for you, to encourage you, above all things, to walk. My Heart forgives you day by day, My Spirit gathers you so that you may decide to follow the path of transformation.

I Am helping you to walk. May My steps be your encouragement to achieve redemption.

I love you and I contemplate you, I absolve you from sin and I conduct you towards My Kingdom. To those who trust in Me, nothing will be lacking. Even if you fall more than once, My Sacred Heart will raise you towards Heavens in mercy and love.

Go ahead! I Am with you, trust in Me.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


May My Redeemer Light impregnate you and separate you from the evil that the world generates.

May your hearts not be afflicted with how the other souls are. May your surrender represent the surrender of those who still close the heart to Me.

I watch over each essence but the time is coming of the Universal Justice.

May each soul be repentant and confess its sins to My Heart because in this way I will tell them: “Go in Peace and sin no more, the Lord has saved you”.

Dears, continue today with Me and just observe My Footprints, those which will indicate the new direction. May nothing distract you and may My Heart show you the next step that you need to take.

Go ahead because you will be with Me in the redemption of the world. Be brave, I love you above all things.

Under the Power of the Father, be merciful.

Thank you for venerating My words with the heart!

My Law will be accomplished in those who may unite themselves to it.

Christ Jesus.


May My Eternal Peace be amongst you, My beloved ones.

May the universal sun that lights up your lives, deeply illuminate and ignite again in yourselves the flame of devotion to My Sacred Heart.

My dears:

Come to Me and do not get tired to come. May your steps be taken with the full trust in My Heart. May you, united to My redeeming purpose, be able to transcend the abysses of life and the tests of the path because My Spirit that is Eternal, that comes from the Source of God the Father, will always fulfill you and will give you the strength to be able to follow me.

I fear for those who, from decay or carelessness, fail to contemplate the immensity of the Love that I have for them.

To those who have been able to walk through the fire of purification, I say: be brothers and sisters, be the bridge between the beginning and the end so that the ones who are hurt in spirit may be able to cross the portal towards My Heart. In this way I call you My Instruments so that they may lovingly watch each other.

The time clamors for great changes in consciousness. For this to happen remember to pray for the Holy Spirit so that His magnificent gifts may guide you. Be an example of good virtue, of humility and love; be like a torch of fire that illuminates the dark night of some hearts.

Walk in My Trust, thus you will not fear but you will see emerging the light on the horizon that My renovated Heart will bring for all. My children, be one and for this precious unity work in the name of My Celestial Love.

I bless you and I accompany you in silence because My Sheep not only must graze but now they must work as one only heart of love.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My instructions in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Dear children,

May your lips never tire of offering praises and blessings to the Heart of God, because in this way, in the name of humanity, you will be praising all of Creation.

My children, may your hearts rejoice on this day because My Son is present in your lives and He, at this hour, needs all of your True Love.

My little ones, bring on this day My banner of peace in your hands so that the powerful flame in your hearts may radiate faith and devotion to those children that have lost it.

In times of conversion, I need you firm and brave so that those who still do not believe in My call will be able to return to the arms of God through My Heart. The time of definitive salvation is for all, and you, as My beloved children, can count on My Maternal Help.

Dear children, know that after having walked so much with Me throughout all this time, there exists a unique and precious opportunity for all souls to find God in this last hour. Just as I took Jesus in My arms to the Temple of God, today I present all of you so that My Father may pour His Mercy and His Pity on you. Each step that you take in this life means so many steps for many other souls that must unite to God the Creator.

Dear children, therefore raise your prayers tirelessly towards the Heights, and may your open hearts be receptors of My Immaculate Love.

My little ones, with My eyes of Mercy I contemplate you because, from Eternity, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, My task is for love, the task of bringing you to the encounter with My Son.

I thank you again on this day for walking at My side; My Heart has been walking at your side for a long time.

Now, My Light has reached your hearts to awaken them to the celestial reality.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

With the Rays of the Mercy of God upon the world, I invite you to feel the Love of God in yourselves, because humanity, in the end of this time must heal and redeem itself so that the Divine Plan may be fulfilled on Earth.

Today I need you to have total trust in God, absolute trust because He knows you well, He knows you since your birth and He also knows the steps that you have taken in your lives. The Lord is inviting you to live in Redemption, a fundamental principle for the end of these times.

Dear children, today I am here among you to show you the Love of God and to tell you that many souls need your devotion and fervor in this time.

My dear ones, today I am calling you to become conscious of the time that will come. Know that My Son needs apostles and disciples strong in prayer. I want you to understand how important the salvation of souls is. Know that you, together with My Son, have this task in this world, in this humanity.

Little children of My Father, that on this day your hearts be in the Heights and that Jesus may prevail in your essences so that you may find the faith that will strengthen you and permit you to take the secure steps towards the Lord.

For this, My children, you have the key of prayer and this prayer of the heart must expand itself through the world, as well as the love of your hearts.

As the Queen of Peace, I invite you to enter into My Kingdom every day because it is necessary that souls convert themselves and that they may reach eternity. And within you there is a precious potential of reconversion through your love of God.

Dear children, I am pouring My Light upon the world again.

I ask you to pilgrimage with Me praying with the heart, during all the hours of this day, because not only will you be accompanying Me in My Maternal Task, but also your hearts will be united to God opening the Doors of Heaven to the Earth through your loving response to My requests.

Dear children, may the Fire of the Holy Spirit be ignited in you so that, united to the Redeemer, you may praise God eternally while your hearts are upon the Earth.

My dear ones, I thank you on this day for responding to this important call for the Redemption of humanity.

I thank you!

My Spirit is in your hearts whenever you allow Me.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Mother, we're going to pray the "Hail Mary" in different languages, repeating the prayer twice in each language.

Today, Our Lady brings the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

At this moment, She asks that we connect with that Principle of the Father, and that we think about the Most Holy Trinity.

Prayer: "Hail Mary" (in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian, French, German and Latin).


Dear children,

With My Arms, I hope to gather you day after day. I stretch out My Arms of Mercy and My Heart of Love to you in this time.

Today, I have need of you to go on pilgrimage, to walk from the Heart. Many souls need your prayer and your giving of selves.

I invite you to serve because we are already in the end of time.

I want you to be able to build the new paths of humanity, and if somebody begins this task, everything will be able to change. Thus, prayer is important in this time, because it will fortify you to carry out this commitment.

My call reaches out to each corner of this world; thus, your hearts must be attentive to respond to it.

On this day, My Son Jesus observes you with Love and Mercy, but many souls are still lost on the path they choose. Who will be able to help Me with them? Thus, I invite you to sincerely pray.

I need you to listen to My Words and that you hold them in your hearts, for in this way, you will prepare your dwelling place for what will come.

It is necessary that you conform to the requests of God. For this reason, My Immaculate Heart comes month after month to announce the new and the good to you, but also to announce what humanity does not want to hear.

Humanity cannot change into what it already was in the past; it must be a humanity renewed through prayer and Mercy.

Thus, today My Heart counts on so few servers. I call servers those who are available to live the prayer of the heart.

Moment by moment and day by day, your life must be a true prayer, before all the things in your life. It must be what is most important in this end time, which can fill you and guide you in this moment, for in this way, your hearts will be united with My Heart and will share in the universal task with Me.

Before My Son Jesus comes, today I come to meet with you. And I repeat this each time I am with you. Thus, your hearts must be in a state of permanent vigil so that, in the end of these times, you hear the Designs of God, you hear the Commandments of the Father and, above all, you hear the requests He has for you.

Through the daily Messages, I leave you the keys of the Lord, so your hearts may be on pilgrimage on the correct paths and you are within My Motherly Light; for when you are definitely in My Arms, you will be close to My Son Jesus and His Rays will be able to touch your hearts.

With the rosary in your hands, sustain daily prayer, for in this way, you will be able to be guided in each moment of your life and your hearts will hear the Steps of the Lord, Jesus, Who comes once again to meet with this humanity. You must believe in this, for it is already written and will be accomplished.

But the coming of My Son will not occur the way many believe. Today, He is asking something important of you to prepare for His Return: to be in vigil as the apostles were; but in this time, your hearts must be more attentive so as to be able to perceive where you are and where you are to go.

Thus, dear children, service balances all hearts.

The source of Mercy can be launched towards the Earth and all hearts be invaded by the Light of Jesus, and thus My Motherly Heart can be very close to you. Each moment you think of prayer, My Motherly Ray will be among you.

For this reason, I persist with this humanity, because as a Mother, I understand and know your needs. I know what each heart needs in this time.

So that your aspirations may be fulfilled, I invite you to pray from the heart, because it is necessary that the Holy Spirit be among you so your hearts are able to feel the Light of God, and in this way, dear children, all of you are strengthened in My Heart.

In this time, I have need of hearts that build the new, imitating the Steps that Christ left you. But in this time, dear children, hearts do not observe these teachings, because with their heart they perceive what all call the modernities.

In this way, hearts distance themselves from God, because they are surrounded by new things which they believe will wake up many things in the spirit, but that generate a significant distancing in consciousnesses; barriers are created between souls and God.

Prayer unties all these knots. For this reason, unite with Me in prayer, because I will help you untie those great knots that are in humanity so all hearts may find the Lord once again.

Today, I want to leave a request with you, to all those present here, before My Merciful and Loving Countenance; that you prepare My last coming to this place, to this city, so that in your hearts may blossom all the promises I have left with you throughout the months, and that you may work together with My Motherly Heart for the redemption of humanity, a request My Son makes to Me daily.

I will accompany you, in this time, to concretize My Plan of Peace on this world, and especially in all of Argentina.

You are called, dear children, to accomplish a part of the Plan of God. Your hearts have committed to Me from the beginning, when you said 'yes' to the power of prayer. In this way, you began to dialogue with My Motherly Heart and live in devotion to My Heart, thus being able to contemplate the beauties that God has created for all of this humanity; I am referring, dear children, to all this beauty of nature. For this reason, I leave you this task for the next month.

This is the time for beginning to fraternize your hearts, and thus, concretize My requests.

We will begin here, in this city, gathering together hearts through the strength of the groups of prayer, and in this way, on December 8, your hearts will contemplate Me here for the last time.

When I refer to here, dear children, I am referring to from Buenos Aires to Lujan. This is the extent of My Mantle for Argentina. 

You can be the light of prayer in this time, and your hearts can be My roses so I can pour them out over each province of this nation.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Let us sing "Hail, Hail Mary".

The Mother is inviting all the brothers and sisters of the groups of Salta to bring the images that came with them, as She is going to bless them because of the response you gave to Her Heart.

Song: "Hail, Hail Mary".


I Am the Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the same as yesterday and today.

Today, dear children, you are recognizing the power God has given Me through My Countenance.

May the Light of the Father, may the Light of the Son and may the Light of the Holy Spirit bless these images that represent My Immaculate Heart on Earth and the Divine Power of God, in different ways for everybody.

Dear children, may the Light of My Son bless you on this night which is coming to an end and which invites you to be in vigil in prayer.

I thank you for responding to My call, especially all My children of Lujan.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: "Your Purity".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now, as we do in all Apparitions, Friar Elías will make some comments on what he was able to see during the process of prayer and during the Apparition, and some requests our Mother makes while She speaks with him during this time.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the moment before the Apparition, we were greatly aided by guardian angels that worked intensely outside of this area, in this field; and that the work, which they did through prayer, was gradually radiated to all of Buenos Aires.

Particularly, the work they did was to free souls that were chained. Those souls were freed and uplifted through the channel of prayer that was built.

The angels had the task of drawing those brothers and sisters at that level toward the inside of the channel so they could be freed, and that task was expanded during the singing of the Hail Mary.

The task they were carrying out was by regions, by different zones of Buenos Aires. What permitted them to carry out that task was the exercising of the prayer, until at a moment before the Apparition, they asked to be helped in that task through the singing of the "Hail Mary".

Before each Apparition, they appear like flashes of light in the sky. This refers to the Lady arriving, that Her Consciousness is beginning to expand within this coordinate of the world, in this place. A special condition opens up, in this case, here, and in this way, the different states of the universe, of the Heavens, begin to descend, by way of which She comes here.

But today, the Apparition was special; we were looking toward the picture, but Our Lady appeared on the outside, in the top part of this place. Could it be the Lady won't enter this house?, we asked. Will we speak through the glass?

She said to us: "There are no limits in Heaven, but this is what the Lord has allowed Me to do on this day."

At that moment of the Apparition, nothing in this physical place seemed to be present here; only all the celestial energy She was radiating during the Apparition. Then a profound dialogue began, some indications She was passing on to us, which She was talking about in the first part of the Apparition.

Today, She was dressed in a white robe, and tightly gripped the rosary in Her Hands, which She offered to this city of Buenos Aires. She also had a pink veil and a gaze, a very transparent and natural semblance.

She then began giving us some indications until She began to address Her Words to everybody.

One of the tasks She asked of us today refers to the service which will be done in Lujan. One request is for the two Marian Centers, the Brazilian one and the Uruguayan one: that two representatives of the Grace Mercy Order from each of the Marian Centers meet with the groups of Argentina, and that after seven days, they carry out the service in Lujan, not only through prayer, but through service tasks.

Afterwards, She asks for the images to bless them, and we asked Her what the reason was for blessing these images. She said that the group of prayer that had those images had been very faithful to Her through all this time and that She wanted to make a motherly gesture to them.

At the end of the Apparition, She made a second request that we will share at the end of this work. That request was explicitly for the groups that work with the Light-Communities.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now we'll sing to say goodbye and the groups that work with the Light-Communities can stay so we can share the task that Our Lady asked of us. The brothers and sisters that carry these images can also stay a little while to speak with you.

Our sister Suely, please also stay after the song.

Let's sing "Divine Mother."


As the Star of Heaven and of the Universe, your steps are guided under the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Thus your feet walk on this pathway towards the encounter with My Son. This is a pathway built in the pacification and in the faith of the heart.

Dear children, today I call you to rejoice your hearts and not to fear for anything because your Celestial Mother is with you, by your side, observing the walk of each soul, observing the definition of each heart before the Plans of God. Because each one of you keeps in the heart something that is revered by the angels of Heaven. This precious thing that you keep is called “purity of the heart.”

Although the world forgets, day to day, to strengthen the spirit through prayer and through the Love of God the Creator, today I invite you to search within yourselves for the immaculate purity of the heart. Out of love, God has given you His Favorite Son, who left for you the path of truth and salvation.

Therefore, dear children, today revere, adore and glorify the Presence of the Son of God in your lives.

On this day of important reparation of the Heart of Christ, I ask you that, out of love, you surrender your lives to Jesus and that you find, in the Merciful Love of Christ, the door to your salvation and redemption.

My children, new instruments of Christ, new fires of His Merciful Love must awaken in this time because the souls, as sparks of the Love of Christ, will help in the salvation of the essences by means of service and consecration.

Today, dear children, I want you to remember that you are precious essences of God and that beyond your understanding and reason, there is the expression of the Love of the Father in each one of His creatures. If souls could at least remember that they are essences created by God, the steps in conscious- ness would be able to be united to His Will.

Dear children, as the Mother of Redemption I leave My crown of stars to each one of your hearts today so that, guided by My Immaculate Love, you may recognize the value of your faith and of your absolute trust in God the Creator.

Today I also tell you to fear nothing and to walk, walk in prayer, because it will be your shield for the important moments. Uniting day by day your hearts in fraternity you will be able to carry imprinted in your beings the Eternal Celestial Peace of the Lord.

Propagate the merciful power of prayer and may your lives reveal to those who are distant from God, the teachings and the transformations that Christ has made in your consciousnesses.

Be the new shepherds of prayer and, through the exercise of prayer, be the guardians of all souls with Me. Let us pray for the presence of the Mercy of God in the world.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


With joy and bliss I place each one of My children in the Celestial Kingdom of God.

Dear children,

Today, let us celebrate from the heart for the coming of the Queen of Peace to Aurora, Her favorite home.

As the Mother of the New Aurora today I give you all My Maternal Blessing and I thank you for responding to My call for peace.

As instruments in the Hands of the Most High, today I invite you to consecrate your dwellings to the Celestial Father. Know, My little ones, that He waits for the love of the pure and true souls, that may want to live in the one Source of Love that forgives and repairs all.

Today I am calling you to be partakers of Divine Mercy through My Immaculate Heart. Dear children, I call you all so that you may take one more step, with absolute trust in the Plans of God.

My children, as the Divine Conception, I ask you to pray so that many of My children in these critical times may also be able to be touched by My inner call. Today, in addition, I remind you that each call to which you respond has worldwide repercussions in this end of times. Each call that is responded from your humble hearts will help in the redemption of humanity through the victorious coming of Christ to Earth.

My soldiers, may your hearts be always ready for everything, for that which God wants in these moments. Know, My little ones, that you are working by means of prayer so that salvation may be possible, even for the souls that are less deserving.

Dear children, I promise you that each prayer that flows with love from your hearts will be heard and responded to under the Highest Will of God.

Dear children, as a mediator between the hearts: thank you for listening to My supplications!

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Daily Messages

The world offends Christ, because there are still only a few children that repair in prayer to His Divine Heart.  It is time for the conversion of all lives, those that still in this time have not lived reconciliation.

Dear children, for all this, may your faces never lack the joy of being with Me.   I love you and accompany you in all the changes that your hearts must live.  Ask for My Son’s aid because He, in His Merciful Power, will save you and will forgive you.

I want to leave you today the fountain of forgiveness because this is the only path that will take you to the meeting with God. Allow each one of your lives to be reconciled with God day by day, the Highest and Supreme.

Dear children, act as souls of the Father that in the exercise of prayer find strength and faith for the changes. Still humanity must pray much more, so that it receives the Grace of the merciful forgiveness.

If you are in My Son and you adore the Heart of My Son you may take the steps for the times that will come to the world. For this, live from the joy of the heart so that your hearts receive the pleasure of forgiveness and reconciliation with the Supreme Father.

The gratitude for each step that your lives are taking will show you with wisdom the next path that My Son will light up to you with the Power of the Light of His Sacred Heart.

So that your hearts are strengthened, repeat with love and humility:


Lord, give me merciful eyes,
so that my glance
may see the need in each place.

Lord, give me a silent mouth,
so that it only pronounces
words of love and light.

Lord, give me a humble path,
so that my feet walk
through the path of simplicity.

Lord, give me crystalline ears,
so that I only hear
Your words in every place.

Lord, give me a pure heart,
so that it keeps hope
and in Your Divine Mercy
it reaches redemption.

Lord, give me prodigious hands,
so that I only donate and serve
those in need of You.



Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

