Children of the Most High God, the agony of the world has not finished and the Heart of Christ keeps being scourged every day by the unjust actions of humanity.

Open the eyes and see around you that the Apocalypse comes to pass in the world.  Transform your lives, live of the balm of praying and give to drink from this water of life, which is the union with God to the thirsty and helpless souls.

May humanity listen to the definitive call of the Messenger of God!  May all of those that consider themselves awake and conscious walk with large steps in their transformation.

No longer waste time with the stinginess of life!  Reconcile yourselves with those who do not allow you to live in the spirit of peace.   Love your enemies and may these ones no longer exist among siblings of the same race, united by a single divine purpose.

Realize that you are passing through the last times of the planet and that it is not time to think about yourselves, to concretize plans and personal aspirations.

What value will have to you to build a project of a material life, if those who do not sustain the fortitude of the spirit will disappear in the midst of the storm of chaos and of evil?

Dear companions, I speak to you in clear words, because whole nations are losing themselves by the progress of darkness.  Where are the soldiers of God? What have those who committed themselves with Christ been doing?

It is no longer time for emotions and half-surrenders.  Pray with the heart, with the spirit and live as true disciples of Christ.  Demonstrate to the world that there is an only way out of this tribulation that the planet lives, and this way out is the Infinite Heart of God.

You have been brought over here, to this world, in order to live love and forgiveness; so, live them.

My Heart of Father warns you, because, in Heaven, the Creator awaits the answer from the human beings, in order to provide new indications about  the course of His Plans.

Do not allow that the most precious treasure of the universe to be lost. You are still in time to convert the mistakes of your lives, but be quick and ready to answer to the call of the Messengers of God.

The world needs prayer, conversion and faith.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the leading of souls for times of definition and surrender


Dear children,

In times of crises, may consolation and reconciliation reign.  May your hearts continue to strive every day to find the peace of the heart.

I am your Mother and I am in every place and moment, contemplating from My Most Pure Heart, each step that you take towards the redemption of life and consciousness.

Dear children, today your hearts are discovering the power that an act of humility has and how it opens the doors so that the souls may reform their lives and thus, the greater purpose may be fulfilled.

You will get to know, on the path of purification, many inner aspects of yourselves.  Some will be conscious and others, you will get to know little by little, because for the Plan of your Celestial Father it is essential that humanity lives redemption of everything through love.  An act of reconciliation is an act that marks the redemption and the conciliation with the Laws of the Heights.

Children, in this way your Heavenly Mother follows your steps through this path towards the holiness which some of you are beginning to traverse.   Remember today the arrival of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph and the pathway that His Heart has opened to the world in the hope that something may truly change.

Read His words and thus you will see the blessed work of the Heavenly Messengers.  In truth, those are the last ones for that humanity that may wish to be spiritually saved.  The humility poured by Saint Joseph will be the master key to cross the end of the times.

I thank you for answering to My call!

In union with the chaste work of Saint Joseph Worker of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As the Mother of the vocations and guardian of the hearts of Christ, Our Lord, today I bring to all of you an act of gratitude for answering to the call of consecration of the Sons of God to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

On this day in which a rain of Graces is poured over the world through the Infinite Light of My immaculate Heart, this Grace, favorite children, is what gathers you today in this favorite oratory of your Heavenly Mother. 

Today, open your hearts before the Most High so that it is cultivated in your spirits the gift that will promote the salvation of the souls through the Love of Christ, and especially the reencounter that each creature must have with My Son in this time.

For this, I gather you around the sacred table of the Lord, so that, united to Me, we may offer once again this sacrament of the communion as an act of reconciliation and forgiveness for the whole world.

Dear favorite children, embrace then these gifts in the same way that you must embrace your own cross to start realizing the Work of God in the end of these times.

Children, you know that I Am your Mother and I wish the best for all; learn in this time to conduct the souls to the most pure ocean of the Love of Christ, because in this way your consciousnesses will participate of the rescue commands of Christ during the crucial time of the tribulation.

Favorite children, today you are called to convert yourselves in the Heart and in the Luminous Face of Christ.  You are called to present the evangelization of love through the sacraments.  You are invited to pray with Me all of the days to come.

It is for this reason that today My Heart will accompany you so that you may take this step of an intimate fusion with Christ and with His legacy.  My feet of light will walk by your side when you stand up to offer your lives to the Lord.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who guides you to the sacerdotal life.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the birth of a new time in the month of August, My Heart guides you towards the true spiritual proposal of your lives, that which will bring peace to the hearts of the world and thus live it as a shield of protection in silence.

Dear children, My Heart of Mother represents for you this fount of love that comprehends everything and understands everything.  Thus, I gather you together in the Cenacle of My Son so that one day you may live His infinite Will, a promised experience of redemption and forgiveness.

As you walk through the pathway of transformation, I invite you to be in peace and to see in the events, the opportunities for a deep reconciliation among your spirits.

I guide you and show you the path towards this inner castle that everyone seeks: the Sacred Temple of Christ.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Centre of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

On this holy day in which the reparation of souls and of My Heart is made possible for this part of the world, I invite you to the intimate renewal with the attributes of faith and reconciliation.

Thus, today, in front of you, the doors of the Aurora of My Heart are opened so that all may enter for the last time into this network of light that I build in the world through hearts.

Then, My children, offer this Reparative Communion to the Celestial Father for all your brothers and sisters who are spiritually blind and deaf, brothers and sisters of this humanity who do not want to hear the message of your Celestial Mother.

You, with your inner eyes open, wait, from the Aurora of my Heart, for the Grace that you so much seek. In truth, I tell you, My children, that the Aurora of my Heart will open the door so that you may find the Grace that you so much wait for. 

While the world waits for the moment of its self-realization, I invite you to continue praying with Me at the foot of this portal that represents the perfect state of My Peace in this part of the world.

Thus, during these days of August, I will return to Aurora to demonstrate My constancy and Motherly love for all of My children, for the correct and the incorrect, for the prayerful and for those who are deviated from the path of love.

Receive My spiritual blessing so that, from today on, new codes may be sowed in the depths of your hearts.

Faith makes you return, once and again, to this Sacred Center where the simplicity and the love of Aurora are the flame that transforms all and the light which heals every heart.

Commune with the inner Presence of Christ, and, I thank all those who kept the Reparative Communion of the first five Saturdays of each month.

I bless you and safeguard you in My universal Heart of Light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Your consecrated essences, like roses in My garden, can express the honor of feeling loved by God in spite of the times of purification that you are going through.

For this, children, day by day I come to encourage you on the path of conversion, something that you must work every day by means of a sincere prayer and a true service for your fellow humans.

It is this way, children, that your steps will enlarge in order to reach the aim and thus you will not face the abysses of consciousness, because your heart will already be as donated as Mine to you.

Therefore, children, let us build in each interior a great fortress that will be supported by the love and by the unity of always seeking the perfect communion with the Creator.  As your Mother, I teach you to give a little more of yourselves every day so that your consciousnesses, out of love for all of humanity, may embrace the path of sacrifice and redemption that My Son offers to you, just as He once did for you.

Your prayers are heard when your consciousnesses embrace the path of sacrifice for others; in this way, a part of this world will not become lost nor will it succumb.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who teaches you how to donate yourselves from the heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Liberate your heart from every offense, seek the reconciliation with God every day.  Drink from the Source of Christ, the one that will quench your thirst.  Confess your faults, do not fear to tell them because you will not be judged.

You live in a time of adversity and opposition; make your heart and your feeling transparent, in this way you will receive the cure for all ills.  Keep alive your aspiration to transform yourself, I can help you to straighten your paths.

Be free from yourself, may your difficulties not hurt you, the time of redemption will arrive to everyone.

Meanwhile, pray with the heart and abandon yourself in Me; I can build the new in all that is purified.  I have a written promise for you, get to know your strengths rather than your potentials.  Get to know yourself more than you know the others.

Record in your memory My holy image, I am the Queen of the Stars, I am the Mother of the sinners.  Whoever comes to Me, will not regret; I have the authority to liberate you, and also to give you the Love of God.

Patience is the flame that never goes out, it is the incandescent glow that ignites everything.  Unite with My Heart and some day you will see written in the Universe the day of your redemption.  Encourage yourself to follow Me in spite of everything.

I am your Mother and I want the best for you.  Today I absolve you.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who delivers you to the arms of the Celestial Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace


Dear Children,

In the name of the Mercy of Christ, today I dignify Myself to visit this holy house, such as your Heavenly Mother visited the house of Martha and Mary to demonstrate that, through the lesson of absolute service to the Plan of God, many doors open themselves so that Graces may descend and the souls may receive the help they need.

My children, opening My arms and extending My hands to you, once again I come to give you the Peace of My Heart in these times.  Times in which the life of the souls are at risk; the eternal game with My adversary will define the existence of the Kingdom of God in the largest amount of lives possible.

The offer of your surrender to the Plan of God and of your selfless service to others, creates, in these times, the so necessary and urgent merits for the salvation of humanity.

And while the game between light and darkness has already begun, your Heavenly Mother comes to aid you and help you to walk in confidence towards God, so that you be able to cross your own internal abysses and transcend the barriers of the internal difficulty.

If you are with Me and I can be with you, despite the time of your purification, you will not lose sight of the walk of My humble feet along the gardens of peace and love, along the internal gardens of My Heart.

Dear children, do not allow anything to close your hearts.  My adversary also wants to imprison your hearts in this illusory and material life so that you may never again feel My Love.  But remember that prayer is the great key that opens any door and heart; for this, brave and encouraged to live the purification of life, take My hand and you will not get lost in any abyss.

As the Mother that loves you and protects you I will take you through the path of peace and ascension.

Children, take the first step and live in time the act of forgiveness and reconciliation; may your hearts not be hurt by anything, accept the cross and carry it in confidence next to My Son, as He carried it out of love for you.

This captivity of suffering will end when the majority takes the first step; thus, also My Immaculate Heart will triumph.  I leave you this reflection for you to study it.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who gathers you to love and forgive,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My Motherly Heart wishes to become the main core of families, so that the work of the approach of Christ to the lives of beings may succeed.

For this purpose, the cenacles of light are made through the groups of prayer, so that the sovereign Will of God may be fulfilled through the Heavenly Messengers.

The cenacles of prayer exist in the world to be pillars of the evolutionary life and for the manifestation of a Christian life based on the faith and devotion of the praying souls.

Through the cenacles of prayer, My merciful Heart can work and open the doors to the reconciliation of those who would not deserve it due to sin and error.

It is through each cenacle that I build the Kingdom of the Heavens within the beings so that, guided by My trust, they may welcome the day of their liberation and surrender to the One God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




Know that I Am Your Sacred Mother and that I will always fill you with My Immaculate Love from the silence of the spirit.

For this, may the doors of reconciliation be open today and may the most unprotected receive from My Heart the essence of redemption.

Today I am among you in order to bring you My Mercy, that divine life that renews everything and that allows to awaken in the hearts the way back to the Celestial Father.

Dear children, see the immensity of the Kingdom of God that always congregates you to love, forgive and serve in the plenitude of the true surrender.

Receive today from My Heart the blessing for your lives so that united to My Virginal Spirit you may find the breath to go ahead.

Today I leave you the union with My spirit, I gather you all in the cenacle of My Heart where you will always be able to be united in essence to My Maternal Love.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

Dear Children,

As the Mother of Justice, through My requests, I allow you to know the Law of God and the positive effects it has on this humanity.

 In order to find the way to the Law and to live in it, I have taught you, My children, the word of prayer, for the prayer of the heart is a little-known Law. The one who unites to it discovers and knows how to be within the Law of the Creator.

Today, humanity is far from the Law of Balance, of Harmony and, above all, from the Law of Divine Love; all this is a consequence of the fact that humanity creates their own laws and carries them forward, completely ignoring that the true Law is the law of Love and of Inner Unity.

The laws of the Earth dominate consciousnesses and distant regions and this always falls upon the most unprotected. Therefore, as your Mother of Justice, I teach you at this time how you must seek and find the Inner Law through acts of love and charity.

In this way, beloved children, you will be on the way to finding the Laws of God. Remember, dear children, that the first Laws that God gave you through Moses were the Commandments, which in these times are completely forgotten and are not fulfilled.

The Divine Laws persist and act throughout the times, the universes and humanity. When the Laws are not fulfilled and are altered by humanity, the result and the consequence of this is endured.

Through the Commandments that God transmitted through Moses, the whole race was to be educated and prepared to find the way of rehabilitation and peace. Now, when all can see how humanity transgresses the Law, I invite you, children, in a special and immediate way, to live in the Laws of God before it is too late.

The first Law that you must practice and implement in your lives is the Law of Forgiveness and Reconciliation; only with these two principles will you have work and effort to achieve it. And remember, My beloved ones, that your Mother of the Law is always present to help you grow from the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to the knowledge of the Laws of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While true Peace is ending in the world, I come to you encounter, once again, to offer you My lap of lovingly light, where you, always, and before any circumstances, will be able to rest.

In this way I open My arms and extend My hands, calling you to live the path of constant reconciliation with the Eternal Father.

My dears, while My words of light are expanded in the whole world, and My Graces reach the hearts that are the most unprotected, I ask that you do not tire of reinforcing the perpetual alliance with Christ, because in this way you will permit that your paths be the favorite paths of My Beloved Son, Jesus.

Today I come to this place, to the little piece of the paradise of salvation and of rescue, that which was built by the hands of the simple ones, those that welcomed the innocent souls.  Today I come again to the New Earth to provide relief and serenity to all that seems impossible to remedy and to heal.

In the same way as My Heart will reignite your souls and this place, also the Blessed Heart of Your Mother will illuminate the darkest abysses where many souls are imprisoned everyday.

Since the beginning I have wished to have you with Me in Heaven, to be able to establish the Kingdom of God by means of the redeeming presence of Christ.  But you still must learn to love and to forgive; many of you must appreciate and thank for all that with so much effort and love, has been given to each one.

Recognize, children, that the world is already in difficult times.  For this, today I ask you to appreciate the sacred places that God has given you by means of the serving souls.  Thus, all will continue to be deserving of the Mercy of God, of that Great Source of Graces that very few receive.

The islands of salvation in which many of you live today are unique in the world: as in the Marian Centers of the world, they are sheltered by the law of My Immaculate Heart.

Today I invite you to joy in order to, thus, give comfort to those who do not have it.   Today I invite you to reverence and to healing in order to, thus, give relief and inner courage to those who have lost them.  Today I invite you to the Love of the Father, so that this powerful affluent may be extended to those who are empty and without God.

Dear children, we are already finalizing a cycle in this planet, and we are about to begin another.  I invite you to strengthen your trust in the Creator.  In this way you will be assisting so that a great part of the world may be worthy of receiving the Compassion of God.

I am here among you pouring the Divine Laws so that you may be renovated by My Spirit and thus you may proclaim the Love of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit to all those who suffer.

Today will be born an inner child in those who may be willing to incarnate the Love of Christ.  It is this Love that will transcend the end of the times, and that will bring all to reaching the final goal: the return to the Heart of Christ.

I thank the most little ones for having sung to Me.  The voice of the innocent brings the world closer to the Mercy of God.

I thank you on this day for having answered to My Call!

Who blesses and embraces you strongly with Maternal love,

Mary, Lady of Guadalupe


I want to call by the name those of My soldiers who must answer to the commitment that they have with Me and for this, My voice echoes in the interior of your beings as an unknown impulse that invites you to prayer, to service to the most in need, to reconciliation with your families, and to the understanding towards the other.  These, children of Mine, are the manifestations of My impulses in their hearts.

I want to build in My children the principle of the new life which will not be in any way unattainable by the souls of this world.

I just ask you for prayer, to strengthen the spirit, to purify the past and to generate merits for the redemption of the souls and of the whole world.

I ask you for fasting to balance the injustices of the world.

I ask you to be peacemakers, to break for good the chain of evil that ties humanity and impedes the evolution of all the kingdoms of nature.

I ask you for reconciliation, to open the doors to new opportunities for the souls.

I ask you for fraternity, to build the basis of the new life upon the Earth.

I ask you for love, so that it may be the air that will breathe the new world and without which this universe will not be able to exist.

I ask you for conversion so that you may stop being what you are and abandon the impulses that this world has built in yourselves, in order to be just like what the Creator has thought, living in this way all the principles that today I have delivered to you.

Is it too much what I ask you?

With everything that the Celestial Universe has delivered to you, just follow the words of those who were sent by the Lord and, in this way, all the Graces that I have deposited in your essences will be able to sprout, grow, bloom and bear fruit so that other souls may reach the same awakening or an even deeper one.

My beloveds, listen with attention to My words and seek between the lines the truths that in other times I did not reveal to the world.

This humanity has already been in evolution for a long time.  The moment has already come that a new and very great step may be taken by the consciousnesses of this world, and for this, it is necessary to be open of heart and to know that you know nothing.

Trust in what I tell you and in what I will tell you in the times that will come.   I want to prepare you for this end of cycle so that the events may find you ready.

Do not despair.  Do not seek for solutions outside of the heart.  The only preparation that I ask you is prayer, fasting, peace, reconciliation, forgiveness, love, and fraternity among the beings.  Thus, you will be able to cross the old time and to enter into the new time that will lead you.

Do not forget, My dears: pray, serve and act always with love.

These are the keys for the times that will come.

I love you and bless you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Monthly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace and of humanity, transmitted in the city of Santo Tomé, Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, on the occasion of the anniversary of the monthly Messages

My dear children,

With Grace and Mercy, I raise your hearts to Heaven, to offer the Celestial Father the loveliness and the beauty of your lives.

Today, for the last time, I send My Messages of Peace to the world. Today a cycle closes in which humanity should have heeded My call and listened to My warning Message.

On this evening of Graces and redemptions, I have prayed for all of you and have received your essences upon My lap, which are truly important from an evolutionary point of view to your Celestial Father.

While the world places its attention on the things of material life, I come here with the objective and with the divine mission that you take Me into your homes as co-redeemer and Mother of all hearts. In this way, you, My dear children, will allow Me to intercede for your peers so that they too may achieve the redemption of the heart.

In the name of the blessed Love of God, I ask you to carry My sacred Word to all the places you go; in this way, I too will be able to carry out My plans in the souls that day and night become lost in this world of illusion.

As Mother of the Divine Word, I announce Myself to all of you as I once announced Myself in Fatima, in Lourdes, and recently, in Medjugorje, because God has allowed Me to appear in all the places where is a real spiritual risk.  

With this aim, on this evening I open My arms, I lift them up to Heaven, and I plead for all of humanity and for all Kingdoms of Nature, which are ravaged by this race. I come to remove the blindness from your eyes so that through My universal healing and My Motherhood, you can awaken to the Return of Christ, Our Lord.

My eyes will illumine your paths when you simply pray with Me for the priests and the consecrated, so that they are able to be the luminous mirror of the Face of My Son Jesus; because, beloved children, this humanity is closed to hearing what comes from Heaven to correct you and place you on the path of peace.

As Queen of the Holy Rosary, I ask you to pray with Me for My plans, before the enemy manages to convince you to live a life of material illusion.

My children, My desire is that here, as in the whole world, the apostles of love and redemption be born who will be able to bear faithful witness to the return of Christ.

Thus, I ask that you be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart so you may be protected and safeguarded from all evil, because when all of you manage to open the doors of your hearts, God will be able to give you His restorative and merciful Love.

You are in a time to take up the rosary and begin to pray for peace, a peace that does not exist in humankind nor in any soul. You hold the truth in your hands. Pray with devotion, ask for forgiveness, reconcile in time and you will be worthy of experiencing the redeeming supper with My Son, the Higher Priest.

Through My Immaculate Heart, I open the doors of the Kingdom of God to you so you may quickly be elevated in spirit and dispel the codes of evil from your lives.

Through your 'yes,' My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I am grateful for the great companionship of all My children during these last three years of Graces and of conversions.

Who loves you and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all humanity



Open your eyes and see cross the sky the Ray of Mercy that the Lord sends to the world.  See the portals of a Sublime Kingdom open themselves, where the most pure and beautiful that exists in creation inhabits.  Open your eyes and see the Celestial Hosts come to the world, to help those who suffer and to rescue those who are lost.

Open the door of the heart and discover the mysterious event that is approaching your life.  Open yourself My child, in consciousness, to a new awakening, to a new life.

My beloveds, a new dawn arises on the horizon of the world and a new sun rises to illuminate the life of all beings and to make them see all that which until this moment was hidden in their lives.  This sun comes to the world to remove the lost souls from illusion and to make them find again the path from which they deviated for so long.

Today I only say to you that you open your eyes, the heart and the consciousness.  This is done with intention and true prayer.  Open yourselves to discover the new possibilities of life that God gives humanity; open yourselves to discover a possibility of living in Peace in a world that agonizes; a possibility of becoming servants and peacemakers of this world.

My beloveds, I invite you today to be healers of this wounded Earth, healers of lost and dying souls, that die in life and surrender to the enemy all their possibilities of Redemption.

Today I call you urgently to awaken to a life of unity that overcomes the frontiers of religions, of races, of beliefs and of nations.  Today I call you to Reconciliation with your fellow human being and with God, so that you do not fear accepting the Divine that is approaching your lives and that offers you nothing more than a life of permanent surrender, of service and of Peace.

I come to the world so that humanity may awaken from the sleep in which it lives and so that is manifested on Earth the archetype of Love that God thought for humanity.

My children, your lives are precious before God and no matter how much has been spoken throughout the centuries, the Greatness of God is unforeseen in your consciousnesses and His Glory is manifested in the conversion of the souls of the world.

This is a time of urgent conversion, because all the Graces have already been poured over the world and many have refused to perceive it.  My presence has come to the world in different forms and I have made Myself visible to many of My children, so that all the beings have had the possibility of being at My side.  God tried to come to His creatures, but they are blind and their hearts are so closed, that they did not want to see and feel this presence.

Do not deny any longer, My children, the help that is being sent to you.  Do not ignore the times that are approaching anymore, because today the awakening comes to you full of Mercy.  My Love touches your hearts calling you to live a life of Peace and strengthening you so that you may reach this Peace in any circumstance.  Tomorrow Justice will come to the world, which will awaken many through suffering and pain, and this will happen by the choice that each soul realized before the opportunities that God offered them.

I do not come to cause you fear, My children, I only come to warn you that other times will come and the consequences of the actions of humanity already are upon the world.

Choose Peace and live prayer.

Pray with fervor and ask Mercy for those who still asleep.

I thank you for accompanying My Mission of Salvation of souls.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Message for the extraordinary Apparition of Mary, Queen and Star of Peace, transmitted in the city of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Get up from where you have fallen and take My sacred hands because I will set you free from pain and error.

Submerge your spirit in the Fountain of purity and of renovation so that the stones, that you have stumbled upon, may be removed from your path.

Dear child of God, I call you to reconciliation. Unite your inner ties to my Immaculate Heart and walk in silence to the Kingdom of the Redeemer.

Observe attentively the descent of My Graces, I am the Mother Star, I am the one who enlightens the spaces and universes of all consciousnesses. I am the Queen of Peace; I am the one that for love of the world helps Her little children.

Dear son, dear daughter, God the Father has encouraged you to grown from your heart, He has given you the hope to live the rebirth in Christ, given you peace to calm your concerns, given you Mercy to wash from the past,  in the Fountain, your face and your hands.

Every soldier who serves the Most Holy Mother will face in prayer the great cruelties and human wars that erase love from the hearts of humans.

My soldiers are like the pearls of My eternal prayer, my soldiers are the instruments in which My Light is poured to dissolve evil from the world.

Be still in My maternal Heart and offer to God your small sacrifices. Confess your errors before God, but no longer blame yourself, for the infinite Ocean of the Mercy of Christ strikes at the margin of your life to announce the path that will lead you to redemption.

To work for God is to be in constant emptiness of oneself. To work for the love of God is to live in permanent humility. To serve God is to divest oneself, in a matter of seconds, of what might have happened.

However everything is perfect to God. He loves those who strive, He loves profoundly those who rest and loves those who at this time submerge into the darkness and into the modern aspects of the world.

Nevertheless, the prayer of the Holy Rosary intercedes before God. The Holy Rosary wholly repairs a consciousness that is wounded in the spirit. The Holy Rosary unites and strengthens the love for the Plan of God. The Holy Rosary liberates, purifies, orders, harmonizes and cultivates the hope of living sanctity. Sanctity, for human souls is a challenge that few dare to live, for sanctity first removes the veils from the consciousness and then impels hearts to live inner consecration.

And in all this path of constant purification of souls, is the regency and observation of Heaven; that the Most High God and Jesus Christ follow, step by step, the advances or delays of the children.

Heaven waits for the birth of new and humble saints, like the ones there were in the past, so that through simplicity and surrender, they offer themselves to transform the chaos of the world and the great scale of perdition in which the precious souls live.

Thus, as it was in other times, the lesser ones in the world will achieve greater things and the Celestial Universe will closely accompany the challenge that the new apostles will live. In the end, all the good and faithful servers will congregate in Heaven to share the Glory and Grace of God for having been converted into example of service and surrender to God.

The Queen of Heaven will always help Her children, for your Divine Mother will wait for many more to decide to serve humanity in this time, so that, in this way, the Mercy and Forgiveness of God may descend, instead of Justice descending. 

However, the path to follow will be infinite. My servers will cross bridges almost broken, prairies and deserts of the world that have lost the original brightness of Creation; and everything will be accomplished through effort and love to change the consciousness of those who still sleep into the dream of  the world.

Your Mother comes, Apparition after Apparition, to awaken all Her children to the supreme Truth, the consciousness that it is urgent to pray for the whole world to leave the superficiality in which it lives.

If new disciples of Mary appeared, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in America and in the whole world.

The time that you live today is a time of great changes, I only ask you to awaken to what many of my children do not want to see, which is the need to purify oneself and to consecrate oneself to the supreme Will of the Father.

I will always guide you as long as you pray the Holy Rosary for the salvation of humanity.

And whole 

I bless you and thank the groups of Campinas for allowing that the Mercy of God be poured out.

Mary, Queen and Star of Peace



Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

It is time to ask with the heart for the help of the Lord in your lives. It is time to cry out for forgiveness and for the conversion of the world. It is time to unite to the Divine and the Sacred to maintain the thread that unites Heaven to Earth.

My Son Jesus once said to you: "Ask and it shall be given to you." And so it is, up to the current times. The Lord expects that the hearts of His children cry out with fervor for the salvation of the world.

If your hearts, for themselves, do not approach God, nor can God, for Himself, approach you. In the Laws of Heaven, dear children, it is necessary to ask to be given, it is necessary that your call for it to come, it is necessary to open the door for it to enter.

Therefore, I ask you today to open your eyes and hearts to perceive if you are really crying out for the Presence of God in your lives.

Perceive with the heart if you call the Name of the Lord daily and ask Him to approach and to guide your little hearts. If you open to delve deeper into this understanding of yourselves, feel if your hearts, through action, feelings, thoughts, aspirations and intentions of the heart, are opening the doors for the Lord to enter, in Consciousness, into your lives.

My Immaculate Heart, for many centuries, dictated to the world holy words of reconciliation with God, so that souls could find the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, dear children, it is the moment for your eyes to turn to the Heights, for your hearts to allow yourself to discover the new, out of love for this unknown Universe of God. 

My last call comes to renew the knowledge of the world, it comes to awaken the divine life in all those who are tired of walking in circles in the path of Evolution.

My Heart comes to embrace the old world, so that under My Mantle it is transformed into the new and reborn world. But, My Beloveds, for many it is not simple to give up one's own knowledge to open oneself to the endless Mystery of God.

Therefore, those who are encouraged to respond to this celestial call must do so without fear and without delay, in order to give impulse to all human consciousness in this new step towards the infinite Heart of God.

Walk with faith, My little ones, without fear of making mistakes or suffering, because mistakes are ways of discovering humility and experiencing new learnings in the heart, and suffering will come, according to the Will of God, for those who must to render service by living it.

Simply open yourselves on this day so that a new impulse of transformation enters into the world. While you pray, ask for the help of God and for His Presence in the life of all beings. Do not forget that when the Voice of God sounds in the hearts, it will be necessary to respond with promptness and faith, for you and for the world.

I thank you, little ones, for being in prayer with Me on this day and in all the days of your lives.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Peace for all the hearts.

Special Message for the Apparition of the Most Pure Mother of God, transmitted in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

I am the Lady of Heaven, I am the one Who comes in glory and peace to radiate the Love of God to you.

I am the Mother of the Universe, I am the one Who will take you in My Arms from the abysses and carry you in honor of the Kingdom of God.

I am the Mystical Rose, I am the one Who emanates subtle aromas to silently protect your path of consecration to God. In this way, day after day, I try to lead you to prayer, because in prayer My Heart closes your wounds and protects your little hearts in the Light.

I am the Mother of Graces, I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun Who pours out the goodness and compassion of God onto the world and creatures.

I am the Guardian of the Faith of those who have lost it.

I am the Mother of the Divine Conception Who draws each child closer to the universe of the Holy Spirit.

I am the Warrior of Love, I Am the Patroness Who raises the banner of Peace.

I am the Lady Who in Love and Pity, unties the knots of those who constantly suffer.

For this reason, I cry out to all for prayer, because as humanity, you must repair the Heart of God for the grave offenses He receives.

I am the Lady of Peace, I am the Queen of Peace, Who announces the coming of the new Kingdom of Christ on the face of the Earth. In this way, I gather My soldiers, calling on them to be consecrated to a life of prayer, to the experiencing of fasting to purify the heart, to forgiveness and to reconciliation.

I am the Celestial Mother, I am the Solar Star that eternally shines in the firmament and announces the time of Mercy.

For My Son, I gave of Myself to all, and with the awaited coming of Christ, I will reveal the Aspect of the Lady of the Sun.

May My stars transfigure your lives into light, may My steps towards God be your steps, may My maternal Heart reverberate in love within you, may My merciful rays illuminate the dark pathway of those who have not yet reached the Kingdom of God.

With My Son, I return to the world to awaken it and call it to conversion.

Prayer will be your future nourishment that will nurture the spirit and all manifested life because through prayer, you will walk without delay to the Arms of God, and when all My children reach Heaven, I will cleanse the past from your faces in the Fountain of Life of My Son, and renewed in spirit, you will glorify God and eternally serve Him out of love and honor of the Creator.

For this reason, seek a life of sanctity while you are in this world. Be charitable one with another. In prayer, build the new principle of brotherhood. Be apostles of Peace and live the redeeming Message of Christ every day.

I come to you to lead you to Jesus because as a Mother, I wait and beg God for the salvation of humanity from the constant sin it lives in.

My dear children of Belo Horizonte, I thank you for the response of your essences to My Immaculate Heart. I especially thank the children that, out of love for the Greater Good, worked so that I, the Queen of Peace, could bring you all the Message and the Call. I thank you for your loving example of charity.

My children, on this Saturday of Glory, may your deep essences prepare for receiving the spiritual visit of the Lady Who is brighter than the Light, the visit of Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the World.

Dear children of Belo Horizonte, today may you be participants in the complete absolution that My pious Heart will radiate to all under the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I thank you for opening the door of your hearts!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace



Blessed are those who live and proclaim My Faith because they will be called converted children of God.


I come this morning to announce to you that the Morning Star, the Mother of the Universe, announces the glorious coming of Her Favorite Son.

After the splendor of the Great Star of the Lady will come the Glory of the Son, as bright as the sun, to pour the Light over the consciousnesses in redemption.

For this moment your hearts must be open to the new time that the Morning Star will announce. Rejoice in My Glorified Heart so that My Holy Heart may be able to be visible as a sign before humanity.

Today I leave for you My Merciful Compassion because as humanity you will need to reconcile yourselves with the Most High Lord. The Father loves all of His Creatures but many of His children still do not love the One and Only God.

I Am present among you to be the bridge that may lead you through My Sacred Heart towards God the Father, towards His Kingdom of Love and of Unity.

Dear servers,

Never lose the aspiration of imitating My Path and of encouraging yourselves to consecrate your consciousnesses to My Divine and Sacred Heart. If you did like this you would relieve the sores that the actions of the world open in Me day by day. As the Redeemer I give you My loving absolution and My Peace for all.

Under the Infinite Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you, children, for lovingly receiving Me during this morning!

Christ Jesus, the Savior. 


My dears:

If you live every day in My Eternal Reconciliation, among your hearts you will recognize My Sacred Heart of Love. If you aspire to be in My Spirit you will know where to walk because My Light will guide you even through paths distant from Me.

My companions today I show you that all of you can live in My Glorious Pity and Redemption because as Soul and as Heart I recognize your limitations and aspirations. For this do not lower your arms, allow that with your arms open My Heart may irradiate to your essences in order to be able to purify you and form you as the new and awaited Christs of the new time.  

The new Christs are the ones who most fail me but who in the end recognize me. The new Christs are the ones who serve me, even without transcending their limitations. The new Christs are the ones who least transform themselves but at the moment of the encounter with Me, My Heart invades them.

The new Christs are the ones who still are not prepared, they are the ones who are the most immature because those who serve me the most, those who surrender themselves the most, those who empty themselves the most and are more humble and forgetful of themselves, these are My servers, the ones who will prepare the earth so that the new harvest may arrive, the new presence of the Christs.

I ask you nothing else than to be faithful to My Cause and to My Will because this will allow you to consecrate your hearts to My Eternal Essence. If you still are in your own inner desert, walk! Walk towards Me! Even in the dusk because My Mercy will guide each of your steps.

I hope that you will surrender yourselves completely to My Heart. I await this moment to be able to love you and strengthen you in the mission that My Father entrusted you. The desert of life empties the consciousness and allows, in the reflection, to strengthen the love in the essence. Remember that you are My Christic essences; you are My disciples of the new age of redemption.

Under the Love of God be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Heart in your hearts!

Christ Jesus.


At the end of the message Christ started to say to us: “Go in Peace, go in Peace” and it was at this moment that He dictated to us the following prayer:

Go in My Peace

Go in My Peace, that the Lord strengthens you.

Go in My Peace, that the Shepherd leads you.

Go in My Peace, that the Lord accompanies you.

Go in My Peace, that My Heart safeguards you.

Go in My Peace, that My Mercy forgives you.

Go in My Peace, that the Lord takes care of your faith.

Go in My Peace, because the Lord loves you and knows you.

Go in My Peace, because you will be in the Peace of God
and you will be the fruit of Peace for your brothers and sisters.

Remember to be in My Peace,
because My Divinity will guide you for eternity.

Go in My Peace, My companions!




Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

