The water from the rain comes to purify the Earth. The storm and its lightning bolts come to demagnetize the planet from non-luminous currents.

All the elements prepare to cleanse Brazil from what it has built, as a people, through its free will.

The warnings were given, but few, in truth, listened.

The elements of Nature are about to give birth to their powerful currents of purification; this will help to detoxify human consciousness and will also help to relieve the other Kingdoms of Nature.

The time for correction has come. The hour to place everything in its correct balance has come.

The humankind of surface has valued little what God has given them.

The transgressions have been many and now, the planet itself, as a great element of fire and water, will purify itself so that, some day, free from influences, it may be able to flourish again and bring from the Universe that which belongs to the life of all beings.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

As My storm of Light draws closer to the world, revere the Sacred and Merciful Heart of God, for He is attentive to the voice of your supplications.

Elevate your thought to God and be worthy; in this way, My companions, you will allow the Purpose of God to be manifested on Earth.

The Plan will not waste time and through The faithful followers, it will be accomplished.

After two years shared together with Me, I come again to renew you and consecrate you. My omnipresent, kind and merciful Spirit thanks all the faithful that have been consistent with My Call to prayer.

Do not fear the times that you will face; remember that I am present in your hearts.

Open the doors to My Divine Mercy more and more every day, for My last Graces are being poured out upon the world.

For this reason, through these days, I have proclaimed My requests to all, and in this way, all may be attentive to the great need of God that all souls become redeemable, kind to the Eyes of God, blessed to the Eyes of My Mother.

I want to close this meeting, My companions, giving you the Sacraments again so that you may find in them the hope to continue, for, in the end of times, My friends, you will find in each of the Sacraments the doorways to salvation and redemption.

Through My Call to Christic ecumenism, My Heart prepares the new priests on the sublime planes.

But know that My Heart sees the potential rather than the difficulties. Each of your souls has a gift that I have given you.

Through the priests, like mirrors you will reflect My spiritual petition of unifying the peoples, the races and the languages.

Woe to those who have not understood My Purpose!

My true Church is to be found in the heart of all souls. But the souls of this material world still need many rituals, many ceremonies, much consecration, so that all those attributes, which are priestly movements of light, can imprint within all hearts the codes of My Redemption and My Return, which I am now providing to you.

But even humanity must receive these codes; it will be through the priests, servers, and apostles, those who live My Gospel from the heart, who will evangelize on the New Earth through example and conversion.

While the rain falls on your spirits, receive the cosmic rays that come from the universe, the points of light that congregate at this Center, the doors of freedom that are opening for the unredeemed. All the spirits of the world are helped through this storm of light, mainly those who fell into the abysses and lost the essence of God.

Through this nightly meeting, I come to remind you of the commitment to live the Plan. This is why I give you the Holy Sacraments so that you may be strengthened and united with Me.

For in this hour, My companions, I need your supreme surrender so that My Heart can have a dwelling place in your temples; I have still not been able to enter into some beings, but My Spirit of Peace is working on each one of them.

For this reason, today I come as the High Priest and show this Face to the whole world, remembering the principle of the Last Supper, the great mystery of Love that I celebrated with all of you and that, throughout the times and the centuries, must continue to be renewed by all priests.

Renew your spirits, pray for those whom I will call on to officiate at My Celebration, for evil will not rest in seeking them; but in your inner union as souls and hearts, as it has been in these two days, you will help, My companions, for this planet not to suffer, for souls to be liberated and the Earth not to collapse.

For the Source of My infinite Mercy to continue descending upon this world and in this place for the reparation and the redemption of souls.

Thus I wait, My companions, for your faithful response.

Let us elevate to God all the supplications, the intentions, the suffering, but also the joys you achieved during these days.

Recognize the supreme vibration, My friends, of your spirits and do not allow this superficial world to take away the union with God.

Day after day, work without tiredness and without delay so that your souls may fuse with My Soul, so that My Glorified Body be in your bodies and My Divinity be able to transform you, just as God thought of since the beginning.

Let us sing to God, Our Lord:

O Blood of Christ!,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts.
Have pity on us, Lord.
(three times)

In perfect union with Heaven and Earth, the higher world and the lower world, the angels, archangels, human beings and souls, let us elevate to God, brothers, the offerings to the Altar of the Creator so that they may be the visible testimony of the conversion of beings.

Let us adore the Lord of the Universe, let us open the doors to the Grace of God. The universe, the whole universe, is attentive to this moment.

Song: Pater Noster.

While you are participants in the Communion with My Most Holy Body, feel in your hearts and your inner beings the coming of the celestial armies and choirs.

Revere this moment in which a Portal of Light coming from the Consciousness of God, through the Most Holy Heart of His Son, is radiated from here to the whole world.

Let us praise God, let us glorify the Father, let us sanctify His Name.

I thank you, for many in these days received the source of My Mercy.

Go in Peace, be renewed every day, do not forget Me, I will always wait for you in the temple of the Heart.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Do not fear because My Heart will remove your restlessness.

Do not fear because My Faith will strengthen you.

Do not fear because My Mantle will cover you.

Do not fear because you are in prayer united to My Heart.

Do not fear because My Light will guide you.

Do not fear because My Trust will unite you to God.

Do not fear because My Steps will indicate to you the new path.

Do not fear because you have already opened your hearts to My Call.

Do not fear because My Power will save you.

Do not fear for what you have been because in a little time you will be the new for Me.

Do not fear because I will never leave you alone.

Do not fear because it is necessary to have maturity of heart.

Do not fear because My Face will show you the Compassion of God.

Do not fear because you will be tested.

Do not fear because you will be in My Eternal Prayer.

To all I say that you may no longer fear, to the old has come the time of dying so that the new wineskins may receive My Grace and My Mercy.

Quench your thirst for this long walk in My Source of wonders. I know well all of the levels of thirst that the souls live but if you are united to My Merciful Prayer you will victoriously transit through this cycle of great changes.

I Am your Light to illuminate the darkness.

I Am your Path to redeem you on this last pathway.

I Am your Truth to reveal you who truly you are before My Compassionate Presence.

Do not detain yourselves. The boat faces the great storm of the end of times. Row! Row! Row! And do not get tired of rowing because I you give you strength and inner power to act through love.

Know one more time that I am with you because My Heart has chosen you for something great. I thank all of the marathoners of the Divine Mercy for answering from now to My Call for Peace and for the liberation of the evil of the world.

Heaven thanks you.

Under the Powerful Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My messages in the truth of the heart!

Christ Jesus. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

