Friday, November 24 of 2023

Weekly Messages

While the world is shaken and the wars do not seem to end, but rather, expand and multiply, I tell you, children: Do not lose hope. The Time of the Lord has come.

When the beauty of a blue planet seems to not have meaning, because the hearts of humankind cannot manage to express the beauty that dwells within their own being, and thus destroy not only themselves, but the expression of the Earth, I tell you, children: Do not lose hope. The Time of the Lord has come.

When the history of the universe seems to repeat itself on Earth, and humanity begins to want to manifest their self-destruction, I tell you, children: Do not lose hope. The Time of the Lord has come.

When the world is in darkness, be the light of the world.

When love is lacking on the surface of the Earth, multiply love within your hearts.

When there is no longer communion with nature, strive day after day so that your lives may be the expression of respect and communion with all the Kingdoms.

On the table of the world, place that which is lacking so that souls may satisfy their spiritual hunger and thirst, and thus be reborn.

On the scales of justice, place that which is lacking so that Mercy may weigh more than the assaults of the world, and the merits of your lives always grant souls a new opportunity, even though they do not deserve it.

Be the balance for a planet in collapse, and day after day, live an inner battle so as to not succumb to the retrograde condition of humanity, to overcome the competition between brothers and sisters, the need for power over others, the need for recognition and vainglory, so that from the inside out you may be capable of transforming the human condition.

Be yourselves the missing piece on the board of the Divine Plans, so His Project may be fulfilled even though not all souls that committed to this Project are awake.

The greatest effort, children, is inner, where the true expression of your beings is gestated. It is in the prayer room of the consciousness where you enter into dialogue with God and with yourselves in order to define following the evolutionary plan in each instant.

The greatest effort, children, will not be in doing more than your human capacity. The greatest effort will be in being what you were thought to be and thus live the divine attributes and virtues that will give you the true strength to continue onward.

From this will come the possibility of living the impossible; from this will come the Grace to go beyond, from the depths of your beings, from the sincerity of your hearts, from the transformation of your consciousnesses into what God thought of for your lives.

For this reason, no longer look outward, but rather, inward, and from the inside out, live the Divine Purpose.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph