Saturday, July 13 of 2013

Special Message
Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted during the apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Through peace, I lead you towards redemption, and from redemption I lead you to eternal faith. Times are already different and it is necessary to pray with all the fervor of the heart for My Work to be fulfilled upon the whole Earth.

Dear children, Jesus awaits you in the Eucharist so that you can repair the Heart of God from the offenses that are still committed in these times.

Dear children, pray for the blessed ones who give their life to God, those who give their life for the fellow being and for the Will of God, fulfilling without delay My requests.

Today, My Message is to tell you all these things even if they seem the same, they are, for Me, the most important, for faith must be sown in all My children.

Today I reveal to you that many of My servers will suffer for humanity and out of love for God, to liberate the great sin that leads many souls to perdition, the path to hell in this world.

My children, in this way I invite you to persistence in prayer, to hope and Mercy, because some of My children were chosen by Jesus to be able to revert evil in the world. Let us pray so that the Plans of God may be fulfilled.

I thank all of you, those present, in their homes and in their cities for responding to My call!

May the Grace of God remain in your hearts.

Mary, Queen of Peace