Medalha do Sagrado e Glorificado Coração de Jesus

"The Glorified Medallion will represent the internal union of the hearts
with the Glorified Essence of Christ."

Christ Jesus*

On November 6 of 2017, during the 52nd Marathon of Divine Mercy, in Chile, Christ Jesus reiterated the importance and the powers magnitized in the Medallion: 

"With My Light and with My Love, I will magnetize all the Medallions that will be coined in the coming times, so each child of this planet, who will awaken in its essence of love, of devotion, and of Faith to My Sacred Heart, may receive the Graces they need, to walk in faith during these times of tribulation."


Find out the Promises of Christ Jesus about the Medallion:

I want by means of this symbol to accomplish My Promises before My return to the planet: 

  • For those who may carry it in adoration, My Promise will not be permitted to lose themselves in the superficial and impure. 
  • For those who may carry it in devotion, My Promise will be to rescue them before any circumstance or cause of immediate danger. 
  • For those who may carry it in humility and glory, My Promise will be to comfort them in the unknown thirst that many hearts live and, in this way, I will be able to reverse the states of emptiness converting them into oceans of Mercy and Pity. 

*Christ Jesus, during the Marathon of Divine Mercy, on August 5 of 2014, in the Marian Center of Aurora.


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The crafting of this Medallion is made possible by sponntaneous donations.
Kindly collaborate and help so that such Grace may reach all.

Company Name: Associação Maria Mãe da Divina Concepção
CNPJ 17.695.786/0001-01

Bank deposit from Brasil:
Itaú Bank (341) | Agency 3204 | Account 10381-0

Bank deposit from abroad:
• (Available at the Post Office. "Pay to: Associação Maria")

When donating via Paypal or Money Order, kindly inform us by writing to the following email:

ITAÚ BANK S.A (341) AGENCY:3204/ ACCOUNT: 10381-0
SWIFT CODE: ITAUBRSP/ IBAN CODE: BR14 6070 1190 0320 4000 0103 810C 1

Address: Rua Presidente Antônio Carlos, 375, sala 3, Centro
Carmo da Cachoeira-MG-Brazil



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

