• Sunday, May 12 of 2024


    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    My beloved children, on this day when the anniversary of My Apparitions in Fatima is being celebrated, your Heavenly Mother avails Herself of this special moment of souls to attend, help and aid the prisoners of war and those who live the death penalty, a state that humanity has not yet been able to transcend and heal.

    No matter how grave the sin has been, dear children, God does not fail to love His Creatures and, even correcting and straightening them along His path of the Law, the Heavenly Father does not fail to show His Merciful Love and His Grace.

    For this reason, on this special day, when all devout and prayerful souls ignite the flame of Light in their hearts, in this way representing the Love of Mary, your Heavenly Mother avails Herself of this moment to attend to this group of souls who are forgotten, because very few are those who pray for them.

    Thus, I awaken you in consciousness to a reality that humanity should no longer live. I tell you this because the life that God has given you is precious and immaculate, it is the life that God granted to all the creatures that, day by day, are exposed to danger and decay.

    Therefore, dear children, from their birth to their old age, all must have the opportunity to experiment and learn. Because God grants to the souls that incarnate on Earth the opportunity to evolve and grow to carry within themselves, in each heart, the spiritual values of this experience on Earth.

    This is why your Heavenly Mother comes today to attend to these suffering souls, who need the tenderness and caress of God to find the path of redemption, the path of peace and the path of forgiveness.

    I need you to accompany me in this task, because the death penalty in the world is one of the greatest knots of the human consciousness, which ties and binds this civilization to a state of suffering and loss.

    However, through My Grace, through My Maternal Love and My tenderness, just as I did with the sinners in the times of Jesus, the Mother of God approaches all her children to invite them to the time of healing and reconciliation, to invite them to the time of peace.

    This is what God hopes for, so that humanity may be reborn far from the action of revenge and impunity, remembering that all souls are precious to God.

    This is why I am here to bear testimony of this. This is what My Son asks of Me, to remind the whole world that life is precious, innocent and pure. The life that has been distorted by the ideologies of these times, by the practices of these times, by very liberal acts that place souls on an uncertain path, far from the Light and Love, far from the Truth.

    This is why I come here to fulfill this aspiration of the Eternal Father. And I begin with the United States because it still lives this death penalty, it still lives this act of condemnation that places the hearts that have made a mistake on a dead-end.

    But how is it possible for this to happen, in a cycle when many things have changed?

    Spiritual slavery still continues to happen, which is something that needs to be abolished, because you cannot even imagine what souls suffer when they live this.

    May each Rosary offered today transmute this human condition, liberate these actions that lead souls to a dead end.

    I need your prayers to work in this, so that humanity may be reborn in love for life, for what is most precious that God gave to you.

    When humanity values life again, it will not be necessary to live painful experiences, but rather learnings that enrich the spirit and life through the Project that God created for humanity, a Project that still needs to be repaired and healed; a humanity that needs to live redemption at some moment.

    Today, I join the voice of all those who cry out through the prayer of the Rosary, especially those who are gathered in the Sanctuary of Fatima to invoke the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that maternal Grace may descend and grant healing and redemption to hearts.

    I am united to you and your brothers and sisters, let us continue to pray to spiritually rebuild this humanity. This is all that the Hierarchies expect, that all may come to know how wonderful it is to live in God and be part of His Kingdom.

    I open the Maternal Mirror of My Heart again so that all My children, especially the prisoners of war and those who are living the death penalty, may remember that, as souls, they can see themselves reflected in the Purity and Love of God through the Mirror of the Heart of the Heavenly Mother, where everyone will always find a safe and protected harbor to take refuge, a place spiritually prepared for each one of My children.

    This is why I am here: so that, on this May 13, you may enter My Immaculate Heart and, in this way, may be in communion with God.

    I thank you for responding to My call!

    Remember that, on this special day, souls can see themselves reflected through the Mirror of My Heart. There, everything will always be well, there you will find the happiness of serving God, even if it does not seem so, just as the Mother of God found the joy and bliss of serving the Creator.

    I bless you, under the Light of the Higher Mirrors, Mirrors of Love, Light and Unity.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • Saturday, May 11 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    I come with the announcement of a night illuminated by the stars, but also by the Sun. I come as the Universal Aurora to fulfill what I have promised to My children of the Earth: to awaken the Creatures of God in the end time.

    All possible signs are being delivered. The Spiritual Hierarchy works in this, this means a planetary, but also a cosmic movement.

    The very elements of the universe, the strength and the union of the planets and the stars, foretell the time of the coming of My Son. Just as it has been said to all, there will be signs in Heaven, there will be signs on the Moon, there will be signs on the Sun, there will be signs within you.

    And it is time for this to be fulfilled, dear children, because the Heavenly Father allowed it in view of the sensitive and grave planetary moment. The Heavenly Father wants to save His favorite Project, humanity.

    Therefore, the wise and gifted Hierarchies work tirelessly to accomplish this end and this purpose. That is why today I present Myself to the world as the Universal Aurora, as the Sacred Feminine Energy that leads Her children to God, guarding them all in Her Immaculate Heart so that souls may stop suffering and enduring.

    Beloved children, in spite of the signs of the universe, at the end of these times, which foretell the arrival and Return of Christ, I know that for many of My children it is still difficult to understand and accept that painful and even inexplicable experiences are lived, that souls live these experiences, many of them being prayerful and servants.

    Could it be that this represents for you a punishment from God?

    In Garabandal, I announced to you something similar; but I never told you that God would punish you, because God is not a judge, but a Father of eternal and infinite Mercy.

    I announced to you in Garabandal that the time was ending for humankind, just as I announced in Fatima, Portugal, that humankind on the surface of the Earth had strayed from love and peace.

    That is why, My children, within all groups of souls, at the end of these times, and in an unknown and, I would say, inexplicable way, there are souls who have offered to suffer for many more souls. And this does not mean a punishment, but a silent and anonymous service, just as My Beloved Son did for you until He died on the Cross.

    This is something inexplicable for the souls of this time. For this reason, for some souls it could become painful. But understand, dear children, that My Beloved Son has very few and true apostles.

    This is a reality and I do not want to bother you, My children. Just as Christ carried out His important task on Earth with so few apostles, in this time, in a similar way, My Son carries out His task with few apostles.

    But this does not mean that there may not be other apostles in the world; it means, My children, that the apostles must be determined and devoted to Christ, so that He may carry out His spiritual task and especially His mission of return to Earth, through hearts that are depositories of His redeeming and consoling Love.

    Today, My beloved children, you dedicated your prayers for peace in the nations. Again and again I will tell you, and I will not tire of telling you, that the prayer for the nations of the world and for their angels, for the angel of each nation of this world, at this time is fundamental and I would say essential that many hearts and many souls, like yours, join in this purpose.

    Because from the first day that I asked you to found the Prayer for Peace in the Nations and to learn to pray in different languages the loving declaration of the Archangel Gabriel to My Immaculate Heart, the main cause of this spiritual and internal task is to appease the anger of the elements of nature, the lack of control of the planet, the balance of the axis of the Earth and mainly the end of wars; so that the time of peace, love and unity among the creatures of the same project and of the same purpose may be established.

    Therefore, remember this cause of the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, because not only you or your families will be protected by praying the Holy Rosary for this cause of the Blessed Mother, but you will also help with your prayers and supplications so that the world will no longer be agitated, so that wars will no longer be aggravated, that conflicts no longer take place, that peace may be established, that faith may not disappear, that love may not dissolve, that unity may allow the descent of Grace into souls and hearts and, above all, that the soul and consciousness of this planet may be maintained in its balance.

    Now, do you understand, My dear children, in how many causes the Mother of God works?

    That is why I return here, again and again, to meet My beloved and dear children who have already left the school of little children, to enter the school of adulthood and spiritual maturity, a place and space where all the Hierarchies need to have you at this time, in this definitive cycle.

    Therefore, I encourage and urge you, My children, as I asked you in the last Message, to decide to grow internally, so that the pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy on the planet are not only strengthened in the hearts and souls who serve God, but also that these pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy become a reality on this wounded and outraged surface so that everything, absolutely everything, can be healed and regenerated.

    Now, do you understand why I come today as the Universal Aurora?

    Through the signs of the night, through the signs of the day, through the signs in every heart; I come to remind you, My children, that humanity is in urgent need of healing and peace, and this healing and peace will be completed at the Return of Christ to Earth.

    Today, I open for all the Temple of My Mirror Heart, just as this lake opens spiritually as a mirror in donation to capture in the impulses of the Heavenly Mother and to radiate them to the whole world.

    Through this simple but beautiful place, I want, My children, that your souls see themselves reflected in this mirror, so that you can rediscover in yourselves your origins and can start from scratch from there, reviving the Values and the Principles of God that the world needs so much in order to experience healing and redemption.

    May the Spiritual Light that descends to the world through Mount Shasta, relieve the suffering souls who live the climatic catastrophes, raise again the hearts that have lost faith because of suffering and unify the essences with Our Father-Mother Creator.

    How simple but profound is the beauty of God's Creation! He has given us everything, absolutely everything, so that we would be happy from the beginning of this Project.

    In order for you to reach that spiritual happiness and that heavenly joy, beloved children, be obedient for those who are not obedient. Thus the world, under the protection of the Law of Love, will find peace.

    I thank you for responding to My call.

    May you all be in My Motherly and Immaculate Heart.

    I give you the blessing of My Son and of the Almighty, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • Friday, May 10 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    An account of the Message

    Sister Lucía de Jesús:

    Today we went to receive Saint Joseph at Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres (House of Our Lady of the Poor), and during the prayer and the singing we were doing to receive Him, we perceived a very lovely energy, a channel that gradually opened in the whole area of the wall of the house and the altar where the picture of Mary, of Christ and of Saint Joseph was.

    It was a portal that was slowly opening into the Celestial Kingdom, a space where there were many choirs of angels, many! On all the levels of the dimensions that slowly appeared, each of the doors, one after another, had different levels of choirs of angels, and they were creating a path to the Divine Consciousness.

    At the end of this path there was a Fount of pure energy, which began to descend over us as if it were a river, a spring, crystal clear water, but it was energy.

    It gradually descended from that portal, that pure Fount, crossing all the dimensions, and when it reached the place where we were receiving the Message, that water first touched our own consciousness, worked on us, cleansed us, purified us, and was bringing that energy of Grace and of peace. Afterwards, it passed through our beings and reached all the planetary spaces, most especially the city of Carmo da Cachoeira and Brazil. It was something that was coming and had no end, it flowed without ending.

     After a time, Saint Joseph appeared in the depths of that portal. He was walking through that Fount of clear water, and when He reached where we were, that Fount gradually transformed into another space, and Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres slowly gained a different aspect, like a much simpler house, with walls of stone. Inside, there was some furniture, some of wood, others of stone, and Saint Joseph was saying that this was the House of the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

    In that house there were different portals to the Universe, to Infinity, portals that were associated with the Divine Consciousness, with Universal Life and its mysteries, and many angels and archangels were going through that house.

    Saint Joseph was saying that Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres has a link of a spiritual coordinate with that House of Nazareth, which still exists in the inner worlds, on the inner and spiritual levels of consciousness.

    Then, as He spoke, talking about the experiences of the Sacred Family, those experiences were appearing there through images, and the codes of the experiences which the Sacred Family went through were touching our consciousnesses, our beings.

    With that, He began to transmit the following Message:


    Like a spring unknown to human hearts, Grace flows abundantly when souls pray in the places consecrated by the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    Here, children, at this Point of Light, where the Sacred Hearts find rest, there is a sacred spiritual coordinate which unites this place with the Sacred House of Nazareth, where the Child Jesus, the Virgin Mary and My Chaste Heart learned about love, charity and the celestial mysteries.

    In that Holy House, Our Hearts expanded and Our Consciousnesses lived an expansion that until then had never been experienced by the human consciousness. In Nazareth, we lived the first steps of transcendence and the initiation of a union with the Divine, the school of intersession, the mystery of humility, the power of silence and the Grace of charity.

    For that reason, here in this sacred place, these same gifts are available for hearts that pray, adore and contemplate the mysteries of the life of Christ and His Sacred Family.

    In this place, the angels of the Archangel Gabriel fervently wait for the merciful and intercessory prayers of pleading souls, so that in this way, they are able to carry them as merits to the Feet of God, in the name of those most in need.

    The planet, children, is in need of balance and prayer. It needs awakened souls that will give priority to this sacred, hidden and silent mission of interceding for the world and for its Kingdoms. Thus, I ask, and with love, I tell you that you should vivify your prayers with the sincere effort of the heart, and do not allow the abundant Graces of the Heart of God to remain in the Heavens, but rather that they be poured out over the Earth through the celestial floodgates that are opening to the sound of sincere hearts that lift up their prayers to the Heavens.

    Generate merits for the balance of the planet and this sacred place. Like waves of Light, your prayers will intercede for this city, for this country, for this continent, and for this planet, as long as you are constant and persevering in your spiritual path.

    When, with love and responsibility, you take on the commitment of sustaining your spiritual path, you will perceive, children, that you will receive all the responses you are searching for, the healing for which you cry out, a balance in your purifications, the transcendence from your miseries and the ascension of the consciousness.

    This is a long road, which must be trod with the key of constancy, and when you least expect it, your consciousnesses will achieve a pure and simple union with God, even in times of tribulation.

    Be persevering and constant, and everything will be made known to you.

    You have My blessing for this.

    Your father and friend,

    The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

  • Tuesday, May 7 of 2024

    Special Apparitions

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    When I lived in the Holy Land, My Son had entrusted Me to care for, above all, the suffering souls; and many already know the silence of Mary, the silence which carried, as an example, the Presence of God, healing for hearts, the relief of suffering for all those who were agonizing in pain.

    Why today do I say this to you, My children? Because it rejoices Me to come to this house, one among so many houses in the world, where the family is contemplated by God as His Essential Project.

    All the families already formed in the world, as I have told you, My children, are being attacked and harassed.

    Also for this reason, we must continue to pray for unity in families. Especially unity in the entire human family, so that the spirit of solidarity, cooperation and fraternity may be present in these very critical and hard times for souls which, in different places of the world, face and go through unexpected tests.

    But I, as a Good and Merciful Mother, place in My Heart and in My Arms all those who need My Peace in these times, because I know that, throughout these definitive times and, above all, in this time of purification, hearts imperiously need to find peace again, at a moment of chaos unknown to many.

    But I, as a Patient and Loving Mother, come to raise again, in My children, what God gave them at the origin. Because many of the situations that the world and nations live today, situations that change events overnight, take place because not only has this human family rejected the Law, even if they do not know it deeply; but also, through their ways and habits of life, separated from the true Love of God, the human family of the surface of the Earth has been led to continue to move away from its values and principles as a civilization and Project of God.

    I cannot refrain from telling you, My dear children, that, as a receptive Mother open to hearts, I do not fail to feel the pain of My children for all that they live in these times, and much of what they live is unknown to most. In My Heart, I feel the pain of those who suffer and have to endure, I feel the agony and the cry of the animals that die, killed in an indescribable manner.

    Who will take charge of this spiritual debt of humanity?

    My Son will not return to be nailed to the Cross again. I want you to know, My children, the Living God Himself, Omnipotent and Eternal, gave His Life and His own Being for the creatures of this world, so that you and all your brothers and sisters of the world might learn about the school of Love and Forgiveness. But where is all of this, which My Son taught you such a long time ago?

    In this planetary reality and, above all, through these recent events, few are the souls in the world, and this is my grief, that manage to understand not only what consecration means, but also what it means to preserve in themselves the Values and Principles of God existent in His Project.

    But as long as the use of weapons and the experiences in laboratories is, in the first place, not only with animals, but also gravely with humans, how do you think the planet will fail to move?

    Now, My children, I want you to understand, because I know that many think in this time and many more will think in the coming times:

    Where is God? Have you seen Him within yourselves? Have you perceived God in Creation and Nature?

    His own Manifestation and Power in what is most simple and humble, reveal His Beauty, but also His Humility.

    How can you think that God is not with those who suffer and have to endure? By any chance, am I not here, and am I not your Mediating and Intercessory Mother?

    Not even all the angelic hosts with whom I work daily, not even all the currents or powers of the universe that dwell in what is highest in the cosmos, manage to attend to this inner situation of humanity.

    Do you understand what I am telling you out of Love?

    My Son has prepared you. My Son has announced it to you.

    Now, My dear children, you, who say are His companions and apostles of Christ, must cross, just as Christ did, the abysses of the Earth and, above all, your own abysses with your own feet.

    The Light has been shown and indicated to you. Many already know their own star of origin. What else do you need, My children of the Earth? How many more signs are necessary for you to change?

    I ask you not to blame the elements of nature. The response of each one of them is the agony they experience. While animals continue to be killed, while innocent human blood continues to be shed, few will be the ones who will manage to be in peace.

    Therefore, in this time the strength and power of the Supplicating Network must grow. Do not expect for the change to take place in most beings. Because if it had been this way in the times of Christ, this humanity would be living in the sixth dimension by now. The transformation must continue to be deep, conscious and true.

    Ask yourselves, according to the circle in which you find yourselves, within or outside of this Work:

    What am I doing with my life?

    What have I done with the treasures I have received without deserving them?

    Have the Words of God and of My Son become flesh of your own flesh at last?

    Do not waste time with the illusions of the world, because the world is already very deluded.

    Do not close, with your own hands, the door of Grace. Open the door of Grace to those who do not deserve it. But this door will open if your lives are consistent with the Principles of the Father, because everything, absolutely everything, will be counted on the day of the Final Judgment.

    Children, I have to speak clearly to you, because there is no more time left. Place your feet upon reality, and no longer distance it from your lives.

    The cup continues to overflow. Who will collect the codes of the Blood of Christ, which are becoming lost in many consecrated souls? I pray before God on My knees, because the priestly life is at stake.

    Who will decide, once and for all, to be a victim of Christ? Not a human victim, but rather a victim of His Love and a victim of the resignation of the Lord?

    Beloved children, grow, grow and mature quickly. I do not want to see again what happened in Rwanda, where the majority did not hear the Mother of God.

    It is time for you to do something for yourselves and, above all, for humanity. If today you have the Grace, compared to so many millions of souls, to be listening to Me, by any chance, have My Words become something secondary in your lives?

    Do not become accustomed to the Spiritual Hierarchy. There are souls that would give their evolution to listen to the Divine Mother, and many more would give anything to be before Me, as a bearer of Peace and Messenger of Heaven.

    May this world see the strengthening of the network of service and charity and, above all, of training and knowledge for the times of emergency.

    Everything, absolutely everything, has been entrusted to you.

    Today, I bring this Message for those who dare to grow internally and come out of the learning of inertia and inactivity, because these times were already written and not everyone must live everything. Each one will be where it is foreseen, and this does not mean indifference, it rather means the learning that each one must live and assume.

    At the doors of May 8, the seeds, the last and precious seeds of Light of My Most Beloved and Venerable Son, have already been given.

    Remember what He asked you: "Where shall these seeds be sown?" His Treasures are inexplicable, but they are immeasurable.

    It is time to perceive the reality. This is the Message of all Hierarchies, it is time to listen, it is time to amend the errors committed, also within this Work, because, as I told you even a short while ago, who will make themselves responsible for everything that has happened?

    The impunity of this world goes beyond the dimensions. Mercy will always be infinite, but Mercy will never be irresponsible; for this the holy and wise Justice exists, which places you on the path of the Law, something that many still do not understand.

    Love will always be greater. But your steps of transformation, if they were honest, could be greater.

    My Son taught you this at each step with His Cross, until the last moment of His expiration, because when He no longer had anything to gain or lose, He surrendered even more for you and for the world. When He no longer had a drop of blood in His Body, He surrendered His Spirit as a justification and an act of reparation for the errors committed since Adam and Even until the end of times. My Son expects maturity from His apostles

    My blessing to all, on this day, so that the Holy Spirit may guide the consciousnesses along the path of discernment and wisdom during the time of reparation, especially for those who are suffering.

    My Soul is with Brazil as it has never been before.

    I thank you for being with Me and for having responded to My call.

    Remember, it is time to grow internally, everything has already been taught.

    Be worthy of the Legacy of the Hierarchy and of the foundation of this Work. Be stewards of the principles of group and evolutionary life. But above all, due to the absence of innocence and purity in this world, and being aware of everything, much more than other souls, be stewards of the truth and transparency.

    Remember what My Beloved Son once said to you: “The truth shall set you free.”

    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

    Let us pray together now, for the attributes of the Universal Mother, so that souls may receive them in their essence, on this May 8.

    Let us say the prayer "Universal Mother" once in Spanish, once in Portuguese and once in English, so that, united to the Queen of Peace, our honest and sincere prayer from the heart may reach the planet.

    Prayer: Universal Mother.

    We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

    Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    We remain withdrawn in the Heart of Mary, listening to Her Words.

  • Sunday, May 5 of 2024

    Marathon of Divine Mercy

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Behold a Heart that was pierced, but a Heart that is still unknown.

    Who would be able to penetrate this mystery and know it?

    Who would launch into the void without knowing where they might fall?

    Because in the great abyss of My Mercy there is no perdition. There is abundance, accomplishment and merits. For this reason, I show you My Heart for you to live it.

    I come to seek this from good souls, but I also come to seek this from imperfect souls. Because I would have no reason to carry out a work on this planet, if it were not for souls.

    Do you now understand the meaning of My coming to the world in this time?

    I have to ask you many questions so that you may reconsider your paths, because a good Master and a good Friend would give His Life for His companions. And this life that I give for you is abundant and infinite, it did not end with the Death on the Cross.

    Have you ever wondered what I gave beyond this, even after My Ascension to the Heavens?

    What mysterious door exists, which no one has yet opened to know what there is on the other side? What is this, so unknown, that even you do not know?

    But if the people of Israel knew it in depth and in spirit, why can you not know it?

    I come to remove you from the superficial dimension, in which many are found in this time. I come to elevate you to the dimension of My Love, above all of My Cosmic and Divine Love, so that you may understand and above all feel the Celestial Spheres that descend and embrace you.

    Have you wondered how I arrive here, knowing that the time of the Hierarchy is precious?

    But I do not come here only for you and your awakening, I come for a greater and unknown cause, a cause that is waiting to make itself known through consistent and available hearts. Because the projects of the Hierarchy must not be wasted or lost, not even Its Word can be wasted, as in the Word of the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy there is a decree, a purpose, but also an accomplishment.

    Therefore, you must keep in mind, each time you listen to Me or even each time you receive Me, that in each one of My Words and in the Words of the Hierarchies there is a  Higher Purpose for you and your brothers and sisters of the world. In the same way, this has also been done by the Divine Mother throughout the ages and by means of Her Apparitions and Messages in the whole world.

    The Hierarchy needs the human condition to draw near, but not the stingy or rebellious condition, it needs the availability of the human heart to carry out the Spiritual Mission in the world.

    This is how the Spiritual Hierarchy can deliver Its projects and aspirations to the creatures, who are preciously chosen by the Eternal Father Himself, as is the case on this occasion, here in the United States.

    Therefore, I ask you again: Can you understand why you are here and why your souls have brought you here, to be before the Lord of the Universe and of Peace?

    What do you have to do with all that which is happening?

    Christ does not need excuses, because He knows human error and misery. Christ needs true, although imperfect hearts, hearts that can give more and more, until they feel, in their own being, the essence of God’s Project.

    In this month of May and on this coming May 8 that is drawing near, today the Lord brings in His Hands many seeds of Light, precious and incalculable treasures for each one of the souls of the world who listen to My Message. Seeds that wait to sprout in the coming months, through the sensible and balanced decisions of souls permeated by the Discernment and Wisdom of God.

    Where will the seeds of the Lord fall? Where is the fertile land of the human heart?

    There is something that must happen here, I hope you will comprehend and understand it.

    The cycles exist in humanity so that you may learn to take your own steps.

    It is time of the New Christs, the world can no longer wait, because it agonizes. This is the time of the emergence of the Inner Christs, those who can succeed the Lord of the Universe to prepare this Earth for His Return, for the reappearance of Christ in humanity.

    I come with this Message from Heaven, so that you may remember Heaven and no longer become lost in what is superficial, but rather abandon yourselves in the profound abyss of My Merciful Love.

    Many among you, in this month of May, must make a synthesis, and from this synthesis obtain an inner response for your lives.

    The signs have been given, the Message has been revealed, the impulse and the cosmic current of My Love has been delivered. All has been said, now it is up to you to give a response to the Universe, so that you may give a response to the Law.

    For this reason, I will be praying in the coming times. There is a lot to do, and I hope that the sensible hearts will accompany Me, hearts that no longer only want to receive, but also to give of themselves.

    Meditate and think of what I tell you. I Am here to help you, for you to grow in a Higher Love and in the Truth, so that with each passing day, and each approaching time, you may no longer justify yourselves, so that you may no longer deceive yourselves. Thus, you will assume the Plans of the Redeeming Lord.

    Meanwhile, I will continue to work with the angels, who are here with Me for this special task in the United States, trying to help and aid those who are lost in vices, in indifference, in evil and even those who are lost in death, in spiritual death.

    I come as a Sun, invisible and immaterial, to cause the rebirth of the hearts who accept to see My Light on the horizon, in the deepest universe of beings.

    God hopes that all His Children may be worthy before Him.

    So that this may be a reality and not something so distant or even impossible, we will have to go through many challenges and some of them are dangerous challenges. Because the pathway is very long until you can reach the goal that God expects.

    But the strength in the hearts that believe in Christ and live in Christ can be an unbreakable and I might say unmovable strength, a strength sustained in faith and trust in God.

    Thus, I prepare you for the new sowing.

    What will you offer to the Plan?

    I will patiently wait, but do not forget that we are in a time of emergency, the answer must be now. But not a superficial response, it must be a mature response, from a being that understands what it means to be converted into a Christ.

    This is all. Go through these times in My Peace.

    I thank you, once again, for truly being with Me.

    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

    Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

    In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

  • Saturday, May 4 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    My very dear children of North America,

    After a long time, I am again gathered with all of you in the name of the Love of My Son, a Love that grants hearts the long-awaited Grace of forgiveness and reconciliation.

    Today, as your Heavenly Mother, I come with the Sacred Star of Light from Mount Shasta on My Forehead; so that this new cycle, which begins for the Work in the United States, may bear the fruits so long awaited by the Heavenly Father.

    Dear children, I want you to know that the Heavenly Father also places His Paternal Glance upon His Children most in need of spiritual healing. This is the reason and this is the motive, this is the moment in which will be born through the new Light Nucleus that principle of healing through love that the souls of the United States need so much.

    From now on, I await with joy and rejoicing for the service that you will render in the coming times to the souls and hearts traumatized by war and all its consequences.

    This is the day awaited by the Lord so that, in North America and through the Star of Light of Mount Shasta, the time of hope and reparation for the forgotten hearts of this country may arise; that sentiment and empathy may be born for the maimed of war, for those young and old who were prisoners of a movement and an idea that demoralized their lives, families and spirits.

    Dear children, may the angels of Mount Shasta accompany you in this stage of manifestation of the Heavenly Father's Will for North America.

    I bless you with My Maternal Love.

    I thank those present for having responded to My call!

    Who Blesses you,

    Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

  • Saturday, May 4 of 2024

    Marathon of Divine Mercy

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    There are inner realities that the Lord alone knows. Not even to the holy angels are these realities visible.

    But I, as an emanation of the Second Person of God, can see beyond all inner realities, and also beyond all that which is invisible; for appearance is what has deceived the world throughout the times, and souls have become lost in all that which is superficial and petty.

    This will be one of the main reasons for My Return to the world: that souls, on the surface of the Earth, may recover their communion with the inner worlds, recover the connection with their inner and spiritual universe.

    However, while this still does not happen, great will be the sorrow of those who do not repent from the heart; because I come to give the world the Source of My Unfathomable Mercy, a Source still very little appreciated by the souls of the world, because it is an unknown ocean of Redeeming Love.

    While I do not return to the world, even though I Am already preparing for this event and moment, it will only be up to those who follow the Shepherd and Lord of the Universe to make the correct and true effort.

    You have learned with Me, throughout the ages and mainly through My Word, what the path is, which I offer to Mine.

    Do not wait for any sign, other than the one I will give you, because there will still be many appearances in this world, many will continue to be taken to the path of deception, and many more to the path of indifference.

    Therefore, take care of your inner world, as a temple that is precious and immaculate to God, where what is essential is kept, where existence dwells in the eyes of those who truly pray from the heart and do not become confused.

    Thus, the Lord not only comes for souls, but also for the nations. The Lord comes to seek the talent that is in the human heart, and the gift that is about to manifest within the spiritual life of each being.

    My door to opportunity is open. How much longer will souls take to cross it? It seems that many fear what is unknown.

    However, where lies the true control of life, in one’s own inferior will?

    My Will comes to liberate you from yourselves and thus liberate the afflicted hearts. Because My silent Power is still unknown and this is what you must seek within yourselves, to know My Will, so that you may know the incalculable power of My Love.

    As a Good Shepherd, I come to seek the sheep that are lost, and many of them are in this nation. Therefore, I come to raise again the meaning to the life of the souls that live here, so that life may no longer be interrupted. Regardless of the greatest suffering that hearts may live, regardless of the greatest error or sin that you may have committed, life must not be interrupted.

    Life is precious to God, because He is the One Who has created it in His image and likeness, and the values of life must be preserved in every one, values that will lead you not only to spiritual, but also human dignity. Values that, in this crucial time of humanity, are now lost.

    Therefore, you must hold on to a life of prayer and, above all, of unconditional service, so that these self-same values, which the people of Israel lived in their essence, may be preciously kept within you as a treasure and and may be shared with the rest of souls.

    Meanwhile, I will be here, waiting for you, waiting for My companions to take the step, because there still is a Plan to concretize and carry out, not only in the United States, but also in the whole world.

    This month of May is a month of definition for all. But watch out, do not see it as something repetitive, as if you already knew what to decide and what not to decide. Be humble and selfless, just as the saints were, who, even recognizing their own deep miseries, could not understand why the Lord was so close to them. Because life may be imperfect or miserable, but the soul may be in the Glory of God when the effort of the human heart is true.

    But if, in the face of these events on the planet, you impose conditions, you cannot understand what the Plan of the Return of Christ means. I understand, because I know that you cannot see it, but this Return of the Lord is a promise that will be fulfilled and concretized.

    What should you true intention be in this end time?

    Are you truly available to prepare the path of My Return to humanity?

    Are you ready for Me to knock on the doors of your homes and, above all, for Me to give the impulse of My Heart to your consciousnesses?

    My Words must not be wasted, My Time must not be wasted.

    I come to seek what the Father has promised to Me. I come to seek the sinners and the most imperfect. Because from the ashes the spirit will emerge, and I will raise it through My Love and My consolation. However, you need to have faith in Me, before having your consciousnesses occupied with other topics.

    It is not that I am alienating you from material life and from the spiritual debt of this world, only it is now time, companions, for you to be attuned with the reality.

    Do you now understand the inner realities that the Lord can see? Because while time continues to pass, souls continue to be lost and need Mercy.

    How many hearts are there to be healed in this world?

    Who will take care of the innocent?

    Who will take care of the suffering Kingdoms of Nature?

    Who will be sensitive to the suffering of others?

    Who will no longer condemn? Who will no longer criticize?

    Who will no longer close the door to the one who is calling?

    I came to the world to teach you this, so that you might be merciful, just as the Lord is Merciful to you.

    Today, My Hands are empty, but they might be filled with the offerings of hearts.

    What is happening, companions?

    Evil cannot be greater than Love, darkness cannot be deeper than the Light, indifference cannot be greater than charity, ignorance cannot be greater than discernment.

    All has been given to you, although you do not believe it, and today you have the immeasurable and unknown Grace of being before Jesus.

    Come to Me, decidedly. Come to Me as available beings. Come to Me denying yourselves. Does that mean you will suffer for Me?

    Will there be another Christ who surpasses Me in Love and is capable of going beyond themselves?

    I do not ask you for heroic things. I ask you for simple yet true things. I ask you for acts done with love, so that this world and this humanity may stop suffering.

    The time of hope, of healing, of love and peace is here in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and it will descend if you create the conditions for this, because the Law is wise and discreet.

    Tell the world not to forget the Commandments.

    The world needs peace. Humanity needs good to reach the unity that has been lost, to reach the wounded hope.

    I thank all those who pray with Me so that the United States may fulfill its Spiritual Purpose and its angel may spread its wings and consciousness, to attract to this country the Spiritual Treasures of God.

    I thank you for being with Me.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

  • Friday, May 3 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    An Account of the Message

    Sister Lucía de Jesús:

    When Saint Joseph arrived today, He came dressed in white, with a white robe, a white mantle and a golden cord, and He had three Lilies in His hands, three large Lilies.

    And when He began to transmit the Message, He spoke about those three Lilies. And as He spoke, lilies came out of each one of them and they entered into us, into our inner world. In a very quick way, everything He spoke about, He demonstrated while it happened.

    Saint Joseph spoke about three cycles in humanity, and I asked if we were already living through one of those cycles, and He said no, that everything we have been experiencing up until today as humanity was a prelude to the experience He cited. So I then asked if this has something to do with the three years Christ mentioned in the last Sacred Week, and He said yes, that it has to do with these three cycles He cited in this Message.

    Today, in My hands, I bring three white Lilies as an offering to the Father for the planet. Each of these Lilies represents a cycle of humanity, in which souls will be tested and tempted, so that within them may awaken the hidden potential of the Love that transcends all experiences of love already lived in Creation.

    In each of those cycles, souls will go through portals of transcendence within themselves, portals that will lead them to the truth held in their own inner self.

    In the First Cycle, you will undergo tests within yourselves, silent and hidden, apparently imperceptible to those who see you. And I say apparently because, even though you may feel the loneliness of the inner test, it will be visible, yet incomprehensible to others, and the incomprehension of others, children, will also be one of the ways you will be tested.

    For this cycle, I give you the Lily of Inner Fortitude, which will cause you to go beyond the thresholds of imperfection and misery to reveal a still unknown inner level to you, the first degree of transcendence from the human condition.

    In the Second Cycle, you will undergo tests among yourselves, tests that will place you before the abysses of others so that they may be transcended by the power of compassion, redemption and mercy.

    And for this, I give you the Lily of Humility. With this Lily in your heart, you will be able to look at your neighbor not with the eyes of a judge, but rather with the eyes of pity. It was through this threshold that the Redeemer of the World was able to emit Love to those who humiliated Him on His path with the Cross. The Lily of Humility will bring you the valor necessary to forgive that which may seem unforgivable, and understand that which may seem incomprehensible, and through it, you will enter into a deep level of  human consciousness, in which you will learn to live true unity with another.

    The Third Cycle of tests will be planetary and will take place between humankind and nature. There you will be tested in your faith, because your beliefs will be overturned by the apparent chaos of the world. Many hearts will be lost and surrendered to the deepest darkness, but you, children, must persevere.

    And for this, I give you the Lily of Faith. This Lily will emerge from within you when all your strongholds may seem to have crumbled, when knowledge seems to make no sense and wisdom becomes silent within the consciousness. Then the Lily of Faith will emerge, as a gift and Grace imprinted in your hearts so that you are able to go beyond.

    And through it, you will come to the threshold of the experience of God. This means the perfect union with the Creator, when you will finally be able to find meaning in all the inconsistencies of life and will understand that the Cross, seen from above, signifies Love, and the planetary transition, seen with the Eyes of God, signifies surpassing Love.

    This is what you must walk towards.

    You have My blessing.

    Your father and friend,

    The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

  • Friday, May 3 of 2024

    Marathon of Divine Mercy

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The time of Justice is coming, but there is still time for the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

    I come here as your Intercessor and Mediator between souls and God, between the Divine Plan and this nation, which is so much in need of love. I thank you for having come here to experience this encounter with Me.

    The Spiritual Hierarchy, at this moment, contemplates all the needs of the world; especially, the deepest and innermost needs that this country presents before God, which I contemplate with a gaze of Mercy, rather than of Justice.

    Because remember, My companions, that the cause that I lived for you in My Sorrowful Passion, was also for this nation, knowing all that would later happen in the following generations of humanity. That is why, companions, what humanity is living in this cycle is written in the Book of the Apocalypse, in this imminent cycle of the Armageddon.

    However, through a Light of hope and peace that springs from My Heart, I come as the Lord of the whole Universe and of the entire Earth, as the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, to offer the Father, once more, the merits of My Life, My Birth, Death and Resurrection, so that this nation, and especially its soul, may have an opportunity.

    But I want you to know, companions, that the Lord does not fail to contemplate the errors that this nation has committed in the world. This is why I spoke to you, at the beginning, that the time of Justice is drawing near, a Justice that is still unknown to the human being.

    But I have also told you that there is still time for the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy; because as long as the door of My Heart remains open to you and your brothers and sisters, the most hardened sinners will be able to reach Me and place themselves under the Rays of My Heart, under the Rays of the Blood and Water of Christ, so that what is darkest and most corrupt may be transformed and redeemed.

    If your eyes did not see the events with a gaze of love and mercy, I assure you that your own indignation would drown you.

    Therefore, I come to place you in another dimension and on another plane of consciousness; on the Plane and Dimension of God, where, through a gaze of love and mercy it is possible to go through the end of these times with compassion, rather than with a gaze of wrath or indignation.

    I know that this, perhaps, may not may not make up for what your hearts are feeling.

    But do you remember what the Sacred Heart of Jesus may have felt on the top of the Cross, knowing that all His enemies were against Him and the only one He had was the Eternal Father and His spiritual solitude?

    Where is this very powerful key of the mystery of Love, which, through the offering of the Divine Son, was able to transform the whole world?

    Through the Celestial Power that the Father has given Me, do you believe, by any chance, that I could transform it all, even this nation, which has lost its Spiritual Purpose?

    However, once again, I tell you that the Spiritual Hierarchy works through Its silence and anonymity. There lies the magnificent power of the Work of God’s Mercy, that is where everything slowly begins to transform itself.

    For this reason, I Am here in the United States once again; and at the foot of this Sacred Mountain, I try to illuminate the consciousness of the United States, so that it may achieve its great moment of awakening and repentance.

    These coming days of the Marathon of Divine Mercy will be decisive and, even before the next May 8, it will be a turning point for the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy itself, because the next cycle of this nation will be decided, its spiritual debt being contemplated.

    And do you know how this could take place?

    Through the manifestation and concretion of a point of Light at this place, the expression of a living and fraternal community, a community that may reflect and represent the Presence of Christ on Earth; a community that will be formed by the experience and presence of the self-summoned, who will later form the spiritual bases of this Light-Community.

    On this preparatory day of beginning of a new Marathon of prayer, not only does the Sacred Lord of the Universe, at the foot of Mount Shasta, come to once again raise the human consciousness, the consciousness of the planet, the soul of this planet, but your Master and Lord also comes to give you His most ardent aspiration for the United States, so that the so expected healing may be established in the souls of this country.  

    I will also pray for this, just as I have been praying in the silence of My Heart and just as each one of you, on these days of Marathon, will be able to pray for this cause, which is so important to Me. Because in truth I tell you that you will understand in depth this spiritual cause of Mine for the United States and the souls of this country, when this aspiration materializes on the surface and especially manifests through the souls that will congregate in My Name.

    A new plan can be presented for this nation and for this people, so that, knowing the greed and consumerism, you may enter the school of self-giving and true service for those who suffer. Even those who have been suffering here, in this country, for a long time, for those who suffer the trauma of experiencing wars, of serving in wars as if they were something important or victorious.

    See where the path of this nation has concluded. But the great and deep miracles will take place in the hearts that hear the Call of the Lord and, above all, in the hearts that are mediators of love and healing on this planet.

    Extending My Arms and My Hands in the Sign of the Cross, I come to bless this nation in the name of God so that souls may fulfill and live the Spiritual Purpose, so that they may come out of the endless chain of suffering and agony, of the incessant guilt for having lived wars.

    I deeply aspire for peace to be established here, and for this peace to fill the thirsty hearts so that these thirsty hearts and souls, on these days of supplication and merciful prayer, may be anointed by My Spiritual Light.  

    Let us truly and wholeheartedly pray for this. Let us pray for all that must be transformed in the United States, so that it may glimpse redemption, on the horizon, during the Glorious Return of Christ.

    Once again, I thank you for being here with Me, on this day, and for making the true effort of following the steps of the Hierarchy, because what awaits everyone in the coming time is wonderful, something renewing and healing for souls.

    Receive My blessing in this long journey of pilgrimage with the Sacred and Divine Hearts.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

  • Saturday, April 27 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    My most precious children,

    Finally, after several cycles, the Sacred and Blessed Hearts touch with Their Feet all of North America to purify it and to bless it through the Love and Grace of God.

    Today, your Heavenly Mother reapproaches the soul of the United States and its guardian angel so that the precious souls who live here may be protected, and one day find the path of Spiritual Purpose; just as the Purpose of this nation needs to be recovered so that the existence of this country is guided and conducted as the Father established it in the beginning, long before North America was a reality.

    With Our Eyes and Our loving gaze placed upon the spiritual debt that this nation has acquired in recent times, We, as Sacred Hearts, will be praying that Justice will give way to the work of God's Mercy and Love, not only for this entire nation, but also for each and every soul found here.

    Dear children, the pilgrim and humble Feet of the Lady of the United States also come to America for the innocent souls of the unborn, and also for the souls of the prisoners and of those who, to this day, live under the death penalty, which must be urgently abolished.

    I need that, in this new Pilgrimage for Peace, hearts from all parts of the world unite with the Heavenly Mother and, through prayers, accompany Me; because, in this period that has been granted to Me through this pilgrimage, I will be able to intervene in many urgent matters.

    I thank you for responding to My call!

    Who blesses you,

    Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the United States

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

